Grimes County Sheriff Don Sowell attended Sheriff’s Day at the Capitol Feb. 22. Sowell had a chance to visit with other sheriff’s as well as Senator Lois Kolkhorst, Representative Kyle Kacal and others.
Read moreNavasota High School photography and audio-visual students competed in the District 7 Skills USA Contest Feb. 18.
Two photography students, Daisy Castaneda and Yaritza Gutierrez, placed second and third respectively at the onsite contest and will compete for a chance to advance to nationals at the State Contest.
Read moreHundreds of eager ballplayers celebrated the opening of baseball and softball season during Grimes County Little League Opening Ceremonies at Navasota High School March 4. The league began play the same day and the regular season will continue into May.
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A large crowd gathered at the Richards ISD cafeteria Feb. 25, to discuss the incorporation of the town of Richards.
Richards Civic Club Vice President Don Brame spoke about the pros and cons of incorporation. One of the major advantages he said is potentially upgrading the city water system. Brame explained the current system is antiquated and lacks sufficient pressure for the town’s needs. He mentioned there is no fire suppression system at Richards ISD or any fire hydrants within the community.
Read moreCiting visibility and safety issues, the Navasota City Council approved two separate sign variance applications at its Feb. 27 Regular Meeting.
The first request was submitted by Adi Hajrullaj on behalf of Joe’s Pizza, 1010 S. LaSalle Street, for his free-standing 10-foot sign which is 4 feet taller than permitted. In addition, the sign’s ground clearance is 6-feet as opposed to the 1-foot permitted for that location in the City.`
Read moreDoor-to-door surveys will begin in Anderson beginning March 2, for a Community Development Block Grant.
The Town of Anderson is preparing an application for state and federal funding for community development and infrastructure projects through the Texas Department of Agriculture. As part of the process, representatives from GrantWorks Inc. will be in the community performing a survey of area residents to gather needed information for the grant.
Read moreThe filing deadline for the May General Election ended Feb. 17, and there are several elections of interest in Grimes County including a $44.5 million school bond.
Anderson-Shiro Consolidated Independent School District called a $44.5 million bond election, Proposition A on the ballot. Bond highlights include construction of a new elementary school, remodeling the existing elementary school and repurposing it as a junior high, creating additional Career and Technology and Education space and more. This is a property tax increase.
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