Lilleean Salinas, a fifth grader at High Point Elementary School in Navasota placed first at State in the Amber Alert Poster Contest. Her painting advances to Nationals and results will be released sometime this summer.
Read more“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” Soldiers were remembered during the annual remembrance run in Navasota on Memorial Day, May 29. Mitch Kroll (holding the flag) and George Korpita (left of the flag) honored the sacrifice of soldiers who paid the ultimate price for freedom by running from Los Cabos to the Navasota VFW.
Read moreNavasota Municipal Pool officially opened for the summer on Memorial Day, May 29. Pool public swim hours are Monday through Friday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
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New to Grimes County, Sign Gypsies- Waller owned by Katie Clark, celebrated their Chamber partnership and Ribbon Cutting at Brule Field Friday, May 26. Clark bought this business as a “way to celebrate my community and develop relationships with the businesses in my area.”
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Navasota Municipal Pool reopened Memorial Day, Monday, May 29.
Read moreStudents across Grimes County crossed a major milestone graduating high school and will embark on the next phase in life. Anderson-Shiro, Navasota and Richards each held commencement ceremonies May 26, and Iola held theirs May 27.
Read moreNavasota High School class of 2023 graduate, Giovani Jennings, wants to return to the mission field where he spent a large portion of his life growing up.
Jennings plans to spend his summer with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) attending the Discipleship Training School in Kansas City. He will train with Team Xtreme, an elite group of athletes that devote their time to spiritual and physical health while promoting the gospel through extreme physical demonstrations and feats of strength. Throughout high school Jennings was a multisport athlete and avid weightlifter, so this opportunity is fruition of his passion.
Read moreIOLA – Two men with active felony warrants were arrested at a residence just north of Iola May 22. Grimes County Pct. 1 Constable Dale Schaper and Deputy James Ellis arrived at the residence on FM 39 to serve a warrant. Nathan Daniel, 30 of Shiro, was located and detained. He had an active felony warrant out of Madison County and bond conditions prohibiting him from being within 500 feet of the residence.
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