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Preliminary plat for North Business 6 subdivision gets okay

October 20, 2021 - 00:00
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Planning and Zoning laid the groundwork for the development of additional residential housing off North Business 6 Thursday, Oct. 14. With five of seven commissioners present, P&Z approved the preliminary plat for Hidden Hills, a 105-lot single family dwelling subdivision on 17.175 acres off Laredo Street.

The initial rezoning request was approved by P&Z and Navasota city council July 22 and Aug. 9, respectively, and at that time developers were asked to provide sidewalks on both sides of the streets and consider a park area or greenspace. Responding to that request, the preliminary plat submitted by Ante Development, LLC (Blackrock Builders), provides 5-feet wide sidewalks instead of the minimum 4-foot required by city ordinance but includes four common areas rather than park space.

According to Development Services Director, Lupe Diosdado, the City’s subdivision ordinance states that if less than 3-acres is required, the “fee in lieu of” is an option to the developer.

Regarding the developers’ choice to pay the approximate $100,000-plus fee in lieu of a park, Engineer Jeff Robertson said, ”They would have had to dedicate 2.2 acres in order to meet the park requirement and looking at how many lots that would have taken out versus paying the fee, they chose to pay the fee - 2.2 acres would have taken a fairly large chunk out of that property.”

When asked about access from N. Bus. 6, Robertson replied that TxDOT would not allow access from LaSalle. The plat shows two entrances into Hidden Hills from Laredo Street.

Home prices in the fivephase subdivision will range from $180,000-$200,000 with models similar to those in Dove Court and Dove Landing in the Dove Crossing Subdivision. The minimum lot size is 4,250 square feet.

Phase 5 includes one lot zoned B-1 General Business facing N. LaSalle at Millican Street which backs up to four homes.

Other business

Before adjourning, commissioners approved the Sept. 23 meeting minutes.

Present were commissioners James Harris, Carolyn Katkoski, Chairman Randy Peters, Patty Tokoly and Dr. John Walla providing a quorum. Dia Copeland and Todd Wisner were absent.

P&Z meets the second and fourth Thursday at 6 p.m. in city council chambers at 200 E. McAlpine Street. Meetings may be viewed at https://