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Crime Stoppers seeks donations for training K9 tracking/drug dog

October 20, 2021 - 00:00
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    Courtesy photo Sgt. Steven Siracusa and the soon-to-retire, Tweaker. The goal of the Grimes County Crime Stoppers, Inc. “K9 Project” is to raise funds for training of a dual purpose, tracking and narcotics detection dog with handler, Sgt. Siracusa.

    The necessity for a tracking dog in a search and rescue operation hit close to home in Grimes County recently when 3-year Christopher Ramirez wandered away from his home near Plantersville. Thankfully, this missing child story had a happy ending when Christopher was found nearly 72 hours later, 5 miles away from home, unharmed. Although the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) has a narcotics dog, this recent incident reinforced the need for a tracking dog. Currently, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is the only resource for tracking services. Time is critical in these situations, and it can take hours for the TDCJ K9 team to arrive and valuable time is lost. To remedy this dependence on other law enforcement agencies, the Grimes County Crime Stoppers, Inc. has established the “K9 Project.” Individuals and organizations are invited to step forward and join them in funding the training of a much-needed dual purpose dog.

    Funding dual purpose training

    At present, the GCSO’s only canine officer is Tweaker, a narcotics dog which is retiring soon. According to Tweaker’s handler, Sgt. Steven Siracusa, the ideal replacement for Tweaker is a canine trained in both narcotics detection and tracking. The purchase of Tweaker’s successor will be funded through grants available to the GCSO; however, the cost of training the animal with its handler at the Sector K9 Foundation is not available through grants nor is it provided for in the County’s 2021-2022 budget.

    The cost of training a replacement narcotics detection dog and handler is $5,500, but with an additional $1,000 investment, Siracusa’s new patrol “partner” can be trained in both narcotics detection and tracking. The Grimes County Crime Stoppers Inc. has committed to facilitating dual purpose training for the GCSO K9 division with an initial donation of $1,000.

    Tweaker’s golden years

    According to Sgt. Siracusa, Tweaker will live out his retirement days with him at his home. Tweaker’s tactical ballistic protective gear provided by donations from residents of the King Oaks Subdivision in 2017 will be passed on to his successor.

    How to donate

    Grimes County Crime Stoppers, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Individuals or organizations wishing to donate to the K9 Project, should make checks payable to Grimes County Crime Stoppers, Inc., and mail to P.O. Box 555, Anderson, Texas, 77830. Please note on the check memo line, “K9 Project.” A letter for tax purposes, confirming the donation, will be provided by Grimes County Crime Stoppers, Inc.

    For questions about the K9 Project, contact Grimes County Crime Stoppers President, Connie Clements, at connieclem@suddenlink. net, or call (936) 825-8687.