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VFW inaugural cookoff a success

June 22, 2022 - 00:00
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Congratulations to Art Courville on his retirement. He is my neighbor, friend, classmate and former dairyman of Grimes County. I am so happy for him and Barbara Jean. This will make it easier for them to travel to their grandchildren’s, Connor and Kendall, ballgames.

It has been hot! I read Waller County is in a burn ban. Now Grimes County is also in the ban. Please be careful and do not get too hot during the day.

Saturday was a big day for Grimes County VFW Post 4006 hosting an inaugural BBQ cook-off of chicken and ribs. Other friends of the Post cooked chicken and sausage for serving to the public and some teams donated chicken also. Teams seemed excited and willing to return. The next cook-off is October 29.

Salem Lutheran Church is hosting VBS July 11-15, from 9-11:30 a.m. It’s a week of stories, crafts, games, singing and good food. Preschool to seventh graders are welcome. “The Tree of Life,” God’s plan for salvation is the lesson plan to be used. Email for a permission form.

Sonshine Sisters met Thursday for their monthly game of dominoes. We all ordered a hamburger from the Lynn Grove Food Trailer and Pastor Mayerhoff went to get our order. Those burgers sure were good. Marilyn Mayerhoff made a chocolate pie that was absolutely wonderful. Thanks for a good day!

Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary honored seven students from Richards who entered the Patriotic Art contest and were chosen winners. Each student received a certificate and a monetary gift. The school counselor and elementary art teacher both came to support their students. The Auxiliary had the meal catered and everyone was very appreciative.

All new officers for the 2022-2023 year were installed by Commander Hal Reed. These officers take their positions beginning July 1.

There still is time to attend the Union Grove Baptist Church VBS.

One Tuesday, June 29, of Union Grove Baptist Church VBS remains from 9 a.m. until 12:30 pm. The VBS theme this year is “Growing with God.” Children who completed kindergarten through fifth grade are invited. There will be a Bible lesson, recreation, music, crafts and snacks for the children. Contact Heather Robinson, for information.

The VFW Post now has free bingo on Tuesday nights beginning at 5:30 p.m. with cornhole tournaments beginning at 7 p.m. I was told it was lots of fun so if you like either of these events, come out to the Post.

Please continue to keep our sick and homebound friends on your prayer list. These friends include Marilyn Mayerhoff, Mary Martin, Leon Gorney, Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Margaret Schultz, Nelda Shive, Lynette Frenzel, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Marilyn Frenzel, Delores Mitschke, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Beth McGinty, Gabriel Goode, Amy Simon, Glenn Binder, Pastor Schultz, Reed Schaefer and Alexander Hanna.

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries:

June 27 – Jennifer Roberts; June 28 – Reid Hertel, Joni Surovik, Stephanie Ashlock; June 29 - Stanley and Carolyn Kettler; June 30 –Linda Robbins, Edgar and Karen Oncken; Christ and Kristi Sechelski, Tommy and Kate Sloan; July 2 – Jacey Bauer. Congratulations to each of you!

Upcoming Calendar Events:

June 21 – Summer begins.

July 2 – WHCVFD Monthly BBQ fundraiser.

July 11 – WHCVFD Monthly Business Mtg, 7 p.m. at the station.

July 21 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m. at the Educational Bldg.

July 21 – Grimes County VFW Post 4006 monthly meeting.

If you have any information you wish to share, please feel free to call at 936-870- 5284 or email me at and I will be happy to add to my column.