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P&Z moves three requests forward

November 03, 2021 - 00:00
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At the Thursday, Oct. 28 meeting, Planning and Zoning gave a thumb’s up to requests for a plat application, a conditional use permit and a preliminary site plan.

First on the agenda, P&Z approved the minor plat application submitted by BC Castaneda, LLC, for properties located at 1552, 1540 and 1536 N. LaSalle Street to replat the three tracts into four to be known as Castaneda Addition.

Next, commissioners approved a conditional use permit requested by the 106-year-old Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 508 Peeples Street to allow the development of a place of worship. A church is a conditional use in the R-3 residential district.

A new worship center is to be constructed and the existing structure will be demolished. The approved motion states that a sidewalk will not be required but landscaping shall be put in place.

Last, commissioners approved the long-awaited preliminary site plan from KBR Retail, Inc. for property located at 912. N. LaSalle Street, described as The Point, for the purpose of developing a laundromat, fuel station and convenience store.

A replat was approved in July 2020, for the 2.418 acres bounded by Millican Street, S. Business 6, and Northside Street. The year-plus delay was credited to negotiations with TxDOT over a driveway giving access to/from N. LaSalle Street. The developer prevailed and there wi ll be entrances from all three sides along with 6-footwide sidewalks.

Other business

Commissioners approved reelecting Randy Peters and Dr. John Walla as chairman and vice-chairman, respectively and before adjourning, approved the Oct. 14 meeting minutes.

Present were commissioners Dia Copeland, new board member Debbie Hancock, James Harris, Carolyn Katkoski, Chairman Randy Peters, Todd Wisner and Dr. John Walla.

P&Z meets the second and fourth Thursday at 6 p.m. in city council chambers at 200 E. McAlpine Street. Meetings may be viewed at https://