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Evergreen Fall Fest a success

November 06, 2019 - 00:00
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Keith News

The monthly meeting of the Keith Civic Club Thursday, Oct. 24, with a small number in attendance. The covered dish meal was enjoyed by all in attendance. For the main course a variety of chicken dishes were served. During the business meeting the club made the decision to have a bake sale Saturday, Nov. 23, to help pay the building insurance and other expenses.

Several area residents attended the funeral services for Ruth James Kolbasinski at Hillier Funeral Home in College Station Friday, Oct. 25. She was born Dec. 6, 1924, in Mellbourne, Victoria Australia to George and Florence James. She grew up in London, England. While living in London she met the love of her life, Stanley Toney Kolbasinski. He was in the United States Air Force. She later married him, and they moved to his home in Carlos where they owned and operated Coney’s Bar.

She passed away Sunday, Oct. 20, at the Lamp-stand Nursing Home in Bryan. The service was well attended by family and friends. Several spoke on her behalf. Following the service was a meal. She was laid to rest beside her husband at St. Stanislaus Cemetery in Anderson. May her memory be forever blessed. Remember her children and other family members in your prayers.

Several area residents attended the annual Concord Cemetery Association meeting at the Concord Chapel Saturday, Oct. 26. Those in attendance enjoyed tending to cemetery business. Following the meeting several went to the cemetery to visit graves and look around.

The monthly meeting of the Iola-North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No 458 was held at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge No 593 in North Zulch Monday, Oct.

28. The covered dish meal was enjoyed by all in attendance. During the business meeting a variety of business was discussed and acted upon. All those present had a wonderful time.

Happy birthday this week to Nov. 3- Brandi Alley, Karri Kennedy, Jackson Lee; Nov. 4- Alice Virginia Stewart, Gloria Gene Manley Gamble, Ashley Thompson; Nov. 5-Jerry Nolen Norman, Andrew Butts; Nov. 6- Donnie Skeeter, Karolyn Sanford Johnson, Kyle McKnight; Nov. 7- Lydia Topping, Stephen Patrick Biggs; Nov. 8- Carol Compian Galvan, Jim Howell; Nov. 9- Cynthia Lewis Trant, Edward James Costello III and Derek Wayne Fojtik. Hope your special day was a happy one.

The Fun Fest held at Evergreen Baptist Church Wednesday, Oct. 30, was a success. There were around 100 children and adults present. All sorts of fun games and eats were enjoyed. There was a drawing for a quilt that was won by Tim Carson. The money raised will go toward the children’s account.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.