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Veterans Day Parade Nov. 9

November 06, 2019 - 13:00
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Whitehall News

This week we are getting rain, which is a good thing. I am glad that it waited and did not come last weekend.

The wedding for Tammy and Troy was beautiful. Well, let me be honest, I did not make the wedding, but I was there at the reception hall visiting with Mark the DJ, Mae the caterer, Dawn the bride’s cake maker, Stacy the candle lighter and the men in the bar; my favorite spot! Chucky came up to the bar and asked for a root beer and he looked directly at me. Those two guys thought it was funny and said, “He thinks you work here in the bar!” I then explained that I was his grandma. After I left the reception, the guys told big Chuck that I was Paula Dean. That is after the security guy (who knows my other SIL) acted like he was putting the handcuffs on me and then sent Joni the photo. I stay in trouble no matter where I am.

As I said earlier, the wedding was beautiful from the bride to the groom, the wedding party the decorations and setup. Congratulations to the new couple and thank you for trusting me to make the groom’s cake. Tammy is the daughter of Art and Barbara Courville and Troy is the son of Helen Weigand of Navasota.

The Whitehall area has several churches who welcome visitors. These include Salem Lutheran, Union Grove Baptist and Lynn Grove United Methodist. Feel free to visit either of these for their worship services.

The WHCVFD was blessed with the receipt of another grant in the amount of $5,000. Every bit of help that comes our way is greatly appreciated.

The fire department was also blessed on Halloween night with numerous little goblins who came by to celebrate. Mayor Charlie was quite the hit again with his snake and with his very own official name tag. He is quite the leader and the role reversed; he does not kiss the babies the ladies kiss him. The visiting sheriff, Sheriff Ybarra, hobnobbed with the mayor, too. Thank you to all the parents who trust to bring your children out to Whitehall to celebrate with us.

The Whitehall Store customers had their very own spooky character roaming around the building. At first, I was not sure what to say or expect and then he started talking. He was a nice spooky character. Did any of you see him?

I know that I am repeating myself, but the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4006 is hosting the Veterans Day parade and a noon meal at the post Nov.

9. The meal will begin directly after the parade. The Auxiliary is providing a silent auction, raffle (tickets are being sold currently) and a bake sale. There will be wreaths and Buddy Poppies available also. We would appreciate participation in this event to honor our soldiers and veterans. Thank you. The parade line-up begins at 9:45 a.m. and the parade is at 10:30 a.m. If you have questions, please contact Commander Tony Lambert, 936-218-5244.

Our sick and homebound friends include Billie Wittenbach, Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Charles Waters, Mary Bauer, Albin Finke, Rosa Finke, Lois Bell, Rickey Binford, Leon Gorney, Doug Taylor, Garry Wise, Kathy Cave Wells, John Lawrence, Glenn Binder, Pauline Kaspar and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add these friends to your prayer list.

Birthdays and


Nov. 11 – Stephanie Bauer, Beth McGinty, Ethlynda Hensley; Nov. 12 – Barbara Courville; Nov. 14 – Karl Collins; Nov. 16 – Bonnie Cox, Chris Finke, Lawrence Finke. Congratulations to each of you!


Calendar Events:

Nov. 9 – Veterans Day Celebration, parade, meal at the post, raffle items, silent auction items.

Nov. 9 – Courtney-Whitehall 4-H bake sale and spaghetti lunch.

Nov. 21 – Salem Son-shine Sisters, 10 a.m.

Nov. 21 – VFW Post and Auxiliary 4006, meal at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m.

Dec. 7 – WHCVFD BBQ sandwiches at station at 11 a.m. – till sold out.

Dec. 7 – Texas Pickers, downtown Whitehall, 8 a.m. till 2 p.m.

Jan. 11, 2020 – 75th anniversary celebration of Grimes VFW Post.

Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936-870-5284, or you can email me at georgiamolitor .