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St. Mary’s annual bazaar Sunday

August 28, 2019 - 14:38
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Anderson News

As many of you know, I have been the Parish Secretary at St. Mary’s in Plantersville and St. Joseph’s in Stoneham for over 12 years. My sister-in-law Adrienne Hoffart is the bookkeeper. We closed our family business, Hoffart’s Grocery, in Dobbin the last day of June 2007. There were openings at the church, and we were contacted to see if we were interested in the jobs. The rest is history. Adrienne and I handled the office all these years but last year we told Fr. Ed Kucera that we needed some part time help. That’s when Sue Underwood, wife of JP Lester Underwood, came on board with us. Sue was employed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and this year added Wednesdays to her duties. Although it gets hectic at times, we still love our jobs.

It’s one of those hectic times in the office as we are preparing for the St. Mary’s 125th annual homecoming and bazaar Sunday, Sept. 1, beginning at 11 a.m. There will be games and booths of all sorts, a kid’s zone, live and silent auctions, tour of the historic painted church, live entertainment throughout the day and much more. This event will take place on the parish grounds 2-1/2 miles north of Hwy. 105 at the corner of FM 1774 and CR 205. For more information go to or call the office at 936-894-2223.

St. Mary’s offers a program called “GriefShare.” This Fall’s session will be offered every Tuesday from 10 a.m. until noon. beginning Sept. 10 and running through Dec. 10, room 202 in the Family Life Center.

It welcomes all who have experienced the loss of a loved one in their life. The foundation for the program is based on community, understanding, support and encouragement. The facilitators understand and have experienced what you are currently going through. They are there to offer comfort and encouragement during this difficult time while sharing the knowledge to help you move forward. GriefShare teachings are biblical based on grief and recovery topics. Everyone is welcome and you do not need to be Catholic to attend.

This program is offered before the holidays each year since that is one of the toughest times to get through your loss. People from all over Grimes County have attended and benefited from the program. It is well worth the effort to attend. Although the time of the session may be difficult for those to attend who work, you can be assisted in other ways. For more information or to register, call Gail at the office, 936-894-2223 or stop by the church office.

The Baldwin, Doaks and Menifee family reunion was held Saturday at the Community Center in Roans Prairie where over 140 people attended the event. The oldest person attending was sister M.E. Bell from Temple, Tx who is 96 years old. Vernon Menifee from Bay-town was the next oldest at 88 years young. David Lee White traveled the farthest coming from Kansas City. The longest married couple in attendance was Henderson John and Pearlie Love with 65 years of marriage. Those present that have their own business were Brandi DeBose Addison-doctor; Arthur Frederick–mechanic; Chasitdy Love–real estate agent; Kenneth Lee Raglin– trucking; James Taylor– air conditioning and heating; Jessie Valdez, moving company; and Cheryl Raglin Ball–Ambit Energy– electricity. All in attendance enjoyed door prizes, games, water slide for the children and lots of food.

Another quote from my “Joys of Friendship” book: “Friendship is laughing at the same things; one dessert and two forks; and really being understood.”

Happy birthday this week to Aug. 29- Dennis Johnson, Linda Toler, Brittney Crenshaw, Regina Edney, Casi Kelly, Brandie Giles and Parker Sowell; Aug. 30- Chris Szymczak, Michael Kimich and Emmett Moody; Aug. 31- Scott Ketkoski, Jeff Sullivan, Judy Moody, Zoe Compian, Nathan Harwell and Chris Wilson; Sept. 1- Stacey Smith, Lisa Bates and Frank Smith; Sept. 2- Kevin Busa and Archie Wetuski; Sept. 3- Haden Sechelski, Trish Mosier and Jessica Vaughan; Sept. 4- and George Kimich, Colton Wichman, Kendal Cleere, Bob Glameyer, Kason Yargo, Diane Edwards and Clara Fridye.

Happy Anniversary this week to: Aug. 29- Trey and Coty Kitkoski, four years; Aug. 29- Michael and Cassi Walkoviak, 10 years; and Aug. 29- Leland and Barbara Fougeron, 65 years.

If you have special news about what goes on in your family or life, let me know by calling (936) 870-6842 or emailing me at gailm