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Bedias store celebrates grand opening Friday

August 28, 2019 - 15:50
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Bedias News

Burn Bans are now in effect for Grimes and many nearby counties, please be diligent in observing these restrictions and safety measures.

Richard Allemore passed away Monday, Aug. 19. Richard and Audrey were instrumental in establishing the Bedias Food Pantry and they have contributed greatly in service to the Bedias community. We invite you to send a gift to the Bedias Food Pantry or to the Brazos Valley Food Bank in their memory.

Smiley’s Liquor and Fine Cigars, located in the former Serv-All building on Hwy 90 in Bedias, is celebrating a grand opening Friday, Aug. 30, 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Stop by and let them show you what they have to offer. Look for notices in the Navasota Examiner and Madisonville Meteor for specials and discounts.

The Bedias Civic Club will meet at 6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 5, at the Bedias Civic Center with a community potluck and an interesting program.

Want to know more about the Bedias Civic Club, Bedias Women’s Club and other civic organizations active in the Bedias area? Please visit the Bedias Civic Club page,, visit the Bedias Women’s Club website,; visit our Civic Center Events and Activities page,, or visit our Bedias News page,, and please share your thoughts and suggestions.

Want to know more about our wonderful Bedias Museum and Library programs? Please go to the library page,, and be sure to pay us a visit soon, and consider becoming a library volunteer.

We have been offering refreshing and uplifting Christian films at Faith Outreach Christian Center, in Navasota for nearly two years, our next film is “Run the Race” and will be shared Sunday, Sept. 8, at 5 p.m. Please plan to join us and encourage your family, friends and neighbors to attend with you. You can find more information about Faith Outreach on their webpage,

Please go to our page,, or, for more information on our programs.

Bedias is a wonderful community to live in, and in which to share the joys of living in a small town, please share your thoughts on how to improve this column and expand our community news coverage. Please visit our page,,for updates and to offer your feedback, or drop us a note at

Do you have a community or church event you would like included in our weekly column? We would love to share your news with our readers.

Happy birthday to Car-man Ogg, Wanda Blystone, Connie Brown, Amber Want and Jon-Alan Silcox.

Happy anniversary to Tammy and Ray Curtis, Mike and Linda Baskin and Zachary and Sarah Cox.

Congratulations to everyone else celebrating personal and family occasions. Drop us a note if you want to add someone to our birthday, anniversary or concerns list.

Please take care when driving near road construction and repair areas. Please uphold our brave law enforcement officers, volunteer firefighters and other first responders. Please remember the Richard Allemore family, the Edna Keasling family, the Earl Druckhammer family, the Shane Yarnell family, and the Raby Wallen family, on their recent passing’s, also please remember Joe and Betty Williamson, MaeDell Younts, Gene Stapleton, Philip Upchurch, Richard Taylor, Lew Gears, George Newton, and Aidan Fedor in your hearts and prayers.

Send news to, and please follow us at

“Two are better than one: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)