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Fougeron presented with quilt of valor

August 21, 2019 - 00:00
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Whitehall News

My goodness, time really does fly by quickly. While working on my class reunion roster, I realized that I have been retired for nearly nine years. I have had some tough times, watched the grandkids get older, been active in more volunteer groups and had surgeries and health issues.

One of my experiences led me back to my roots, Whitehall and I sure am glad. The other day, two of my good neighbors Vincent (also classmate) and Sharon came to install a new flag and pole for me. I’m still smiling. Thank you both so much. I am truly blessed.

Sunday was Jordan’s birthday and he was one happy young man. He got a new fishing pole and tackle box from his parents and I got several big bear hugs for the Crown Royal quilt. He was so excited even though I had to bring it home to finish it. He also had a surprise phone call from a relative that has him even more pumped, but that is a secret!

I know that the Diamonettes are at camp because “Dance Gingi” is serving lunch for two days. Wonder how that happened? Every time I go out in that heat, I think about all those students at their football practices, too. Keep these kiddos in your thoughts and prayers.

The Wooden Spoke is a small establishment connected directly to the Whiskey Tango. Big Mike, the owner, is a world champion pitmaster with many awards under his belt. The Wooden Spoke is famous for the “Big Mike” sandwich along with the ribs, chicken, brisket and sausage. Barbecue is not the only item on the menu as he has appetizers of all sorts as well as grilled chicken and taco salad. His place takes walk-up orders and delivers to the Tango directly to your table. I have not eaten many of his specialties, but I have eaten the fried mushrooms and the cream cheese diablos. Yum, yum and ‘hot’ dang are all I need to say. Big Mike has recently extended his services to a café style. He has tables so that you can order and eat inside. He plans to offer desserts at some point. I have chatted with customers and have only heard pleasant comments on the food. He is located at the intersection of CR 302 and 304. The Wooden Spoke opens at 11 a.m. on weekdays and serves breakfast Saturday and Sunday. Mike also offers catering services and will tailor to your choices.

There is a Grimes County Burn Ban. No form of fire, except for cooking, is allowed at this time.

Whitehall Café has new hours. Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is also a new expanded menu.

Sonshine Sisters had five ladies playing for the win. If I remember correctly, Margaret Finke won the first and Mrs. Pauline won the second game. We don’t care who wins, we just like the fellowship. Feel free to come and join our little group. We would love to have others come to visit and play.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4006 had a special guest, Mrs. Doris Eacks. She delivered and presented a quilt of Valor to Mr. Leland Fougeron for his service to our country. There are several groups who make these quilts and individually sign them for the veteran. Mrs. Doris is from the Corsicana area and I really appreciate her coming to our Post and our veterans are thankful.

The annual VFD fundraiser is nearing. Please let one of the members know if you wish to donate bucket items, cash or services. We greatly appreciate any assistance available. Come and join the fun.

Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Rosa Finke, Leonard Serres, Lois Bell, Rickey Binford, Charles Wellman, John Lawrence, Allen Fields, pastor Wayne Schumpe, Doug Taylor, Garry Wise, Glenn Binder and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add these friends to your prayer list.

Birthdays and


Aug. 25– Jaxson Roger Finke, Jett Schroeder, Kinsey Stutts; Aug. 26- Dawson Charles Feldmann; Aug. 29–James Statham; Aug. 30– Jeremy Shaw; Aug. 31– Kevin Addicks, Loyd Finke, Will White. Congratulations to each of you.

Upcoming Calendar


Sept. 2– Labor Day (Be Safe)

Sept. 7– WHCVFD first Saturday barbecue, 11 a.m. until sold out.

Sept. 7– Texas Pickers, downtown Whitehall, 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. (new times).

Sept. 9- WHCVFD monthly business meeting, 7 p.m. at the station.

Oct. 20– Annual VFD barbecue fundraiser.

Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936.870.5284 or you can email me at .