Cousin visits from Washington
Whitehall News
My cousin, Barbara Phillips, flew in for the Molitor Family Reunion. She is originally from Anderson but now lives in Washington. After she arrived Thursday, we enjoyed lunch with cousins, Gerald Leiber, Sharion and two of their grandsons. Friday was bake day for me, so Barbara went to visit other relatives.
We delivered the cake that night and she had supper with me and four of the grandkids to celebrate Jordan’s birthday. Saturday was first Saturday for me, so she came for lunch and bought extra barbecue to take back home. Barbara bragged to her friends she was eating the WHCVFD barbecue. Saturday night she intended to help at Whiskey Tango, but she ended up chilling at the house. Sunday was church for her, then she delivered the catered food for me. She attended the reunion later and spent more time visiting. Me, I hit the couch.
The reunion was fun. There were family members that had not come before, or it had been years since they were there. Everyone was talking and enjoying catching up. Carol had her photo albums to share. This was my Paige’s favorite part. She was snapping pictures of her as a baby, Bree and her dad with his long blonde hair. Thanks to Kristy, Reschelle and Joni for assisting with prize selections. Thanks to all who helped unload the food, set up and clean. I appreciate all the assistance. Hopefully, president Joni will be back next year.
The first Saturday fundraiser at the station was fantastic. Thanks to good customers and tasty food, we sold out. I like those results.
Most likely, everyone in our community knows that Corky Huddleston’s brother died and our lifelong friend, Clarence Finke, died also. I’m sure both families would appreciate your prayers.
Debbie Addicks had her chance to choose one of 17 cards, but although she drew a heart it wasn’t the queen of hearts. The game still doesn’t have a winner.
The Texas Pickers has a time change. They will open the first Saturday from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. In addition, the Whitehall Café welcomes your patronage. Thank you.
The WHCVFD met Monday, Aug. 5, for their monthly business meeting. There were 15 members present and one small guest, Camden Cox. We may make a fireman out of him yet. As an early reminder, we will host our annual fundraiser Sunday, Oct. 20, at the Whitehall Community Center and we look forward to everyone coming. There will be auction items, bucket raffle and barbecue plates.
My dear grandson, Jordan, asked me to make him a quilt. Granted, I am an amateur at this project. I can verify this statement with the cuts and scars on my fingers from that roller cutter. Beware, those things are really sharp!
Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Rosa Finke, Leonard Serres, Lois Bell, Rickey Binford, Charles Wellman, John Lawrence, Allen Fields, pastor Wayne Schumpe, Dianna Hemann Randermann, Garry Wise, Glenn Binder and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add them to your prayer list. I have not had an update on Doug Taylor, but it would be good if you added him to your list also.
Birthdays and
Aug. 18– Chucky Lawrence, Mike and Judy Cotter; Aug. 19– Ivo Djambov, Nellie Finke, Rose Wise; Aug. 21–Taylor Falco, Jonathan Gerke; Aug. 22– Julie Feldmann, Adelyn Nigliazzo; Aug. 23– Haden Schroeder, Will & Brittany Schroeder; Aug. 24– Amber Cotter, Connor Hughson, Will and Brandi White, Tom and Billie Wittenbach. Congratulations to each of you.
Upcoming Calendar Events:
Aug. 15– Sonshine Sisters (I hope!).
Aug. 15– Meet the Rattlers
Aug. 15– Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Auxiliary meal and meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Aug. 17– 1969 NHS Class Reunion, Western Club, noon till?
Sept. 2– Labor Day (changed WHCVFD mtg date).
Sept. 7– WHCVFD first Saturday barbecue, 11 a.m. till sold out.
Sept. 7 – Texas Pickers, downtown Whitehall, 8 a.m. till 2 p.m.
Sept. 9 - WHCVFD monthly business meeting, 7 p.m. at the station
Oct. 20 – Annual VFD barbecue fundraiser.
Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936-870-5284.