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VFW renovations ongoing

June 12, 2019 - 18:00
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    Whitehall News Georgia Molitor

    Whitehall News

    I think I suffer with “yard depression”. My weed eater needed some minor repair, but I had to order the part rather than conveniently purchasing it in a store. It did arrive days earlier than expected and I was excited about getting rid of the tall grass. However, it has rained again and that will postpone me just a little longer. I may be blonde, but I don’t think it would be smart to use an electric weed eater at this juncture.

    The VFW Post Museum is coming along but it is really taking time to clear out artifacts, paint the walls, reorganize items, clean cases and replace everything. It‘s a good thing that school is out and we have Holly, Commander and Maxine’s granddaughter, to crawl in the cases and help us. We hope to have pictures on the wall and some organization by the latter part of July and encourage you to come and visit. Also, if you have any items to loan or donate let me know.

    Queen of Hearts what can I say? The pot is now at $16,020 which means that if there is a winner Saturday night the winner gets half. Thank you to all the local people who come out to play the game. After all, this will eventually benefit veterans.

    The D-Day Memorial ceremony turned out very nice. I was pleased to see how many people took time to come and join us. Participants included the VFW Post and Auxiliary, DAR and the Chamber of Commerce. Thank you again for coming to acknowledge this 75th anniversary. I personally appreciate Rick and Cindy Large for being so loyal to the veterans.

    June 14, Flag Day, old worn and torn flags will be respectfully retired beginning at 6:30 p.m. Following this retirement, the Koka Kola Cowboys will play at the VFW Post 4006. Admission is $5.00 per person. Come and join the fun.

    June 15 is the big birthday celebration for the Grimes County courthouse. It sounds like it is going to be fun so take advantage of supporting our county events.

    July 6 marks the eight-year anniversary of the Texas Pickers. Bill and Melanie Bailey invite you to come out and help them celebrate. The Whitehall Café is still in the works and the menu is still being discussed. Keep watching for more information.

    Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Leonard Serres, Lois Bell, John Lawrence, Allen Fields, Jerri Ripper, Al Ripper, Susie Rimes, Rickey Binford, Charles Wellman, Larry Farmer and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add them to your prayer list.

    Birthdays and


    June 16– Debbie Ad-dicks, Spencer Ellis, Dustin & Emily Cotter, Jack & Susie Rimes; June 18– Brooks Feldmann, Paige Lawrence, Galen & Terri Busse; June 19– Luke & Bethany Netardus; June 20– Carolyn Becker, Robert Kettler; June 21– Ashlyn Addicks, Ava Addicks, Nick Falco, Jr. Michael Serres, Jr.; June 22– Jeff & Valerie Offutt. Congratulations to each of you!

    Upcoming Calendar


    June 14 – Flag Day, Koka Kola Cowboys at the Grimes VFW Post 4006.

    June 15 – Happy 125th Birthday to the Grimes County Courthouse.

    June 20 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 at Salem Educational Building.

    June 20 – Grimes VFW Post 4006 and Auxiliary monthly meeting.

    July 4 – Independence Day.

    July 6 – 8th Anniversary for Texas Pickers.

    July 6 – WHCVFD First Saturday BBQ sandwiches, 11 till sell out, at the station.

    If you have updates or additions for the birthday calendar or other events, I would be most happy to share with our community. Call me at 936-870-5284.