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Whitehall Birthday Bash April 27

April 17, 2019 - 00:00
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Whitehall News

The time is almost here for the fourth annual Birthday Bash for the Whitehall Community Center. Please come join our community April 27 for a car and bike show, live music, bucket raffle items, barbecue chicken meal and lots of visiting. Entry for the car show is at 10 a.m., serving begins at 11 a.m. until we sell out and bucket raffle items are available during this time. The meal is $10 per plate or one-half chicken only for $6. The raffle tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5. Additionally, sodas and bottled water will be available for $1. We are expecting vendors also.

For the members, please consider helping in some way; such as bringing a cake, donating a raffle item, buying meals, helping serve or whatever you can do. We can always use extra hands!

•The members for the WHTA met for their quarterly meeting with approximately 18 members present. The majority of the meeting dealt with final plans for the birthday bash.

•Yep, it happened. I saw people sitting in Gail’s flower patch taking pictures. I’m still concerned about those snakes! I don’t like those things. I saw one last spring and ran over it about 20 times with the Bad Boy.

•Wow, there are lots of yellow machines around the fire station. I’m excited to see the finished product.

About the fire station, we want to thank all those people who made our first Saturday fundraiser a success. The weather was not great but it did not stop our loyal customers. We sold out of meat with the whole brisket/pork butt sales and all the “by the pound” items.

I would also like to thank Cassandra and the other Todd Mission firefighter who worked Friday to help with preparations for the barbecue. In addition, Scott came Saturday and worked the sandwich line. If I am not mistaken, Preston is with TM and he donated to the cause. The entire WHCVFD truly appreciates their help. There is a lot of truth to how firefighters stick together and work for the good of all.

Camden Cox, grandson of Ken and Bonnie, was such a big help. He assisted with the meat and the sandwich line. It never hurts to train them when they are young.

The “professional” barbecue judge returned and said that the VFD was the best barbecue she and her husband had ever tasted. That was an awesome compliment coming from two judges. A couple of money donations were also added to our deposit.

•My second commitment Saturday was the unveiling of the WWI monument donated by the Robert Raines DAR. This project and the ceremony were led by Kathy Cave Wells. Kathy is my neighbor and I personally want to thank her for all her work on this project. The monument is beautiful and located in the area of the Methodist Church in Anderson. The ceremony was well attended and I was honored to receive a special invitation for this historical event. Thank you again, Kathy.

•Well, Bean is out of the big Nationals basketball tournament in Levelland since he fractured his arm. That also puts him out for baseball. All the coaches were devastated. The basketball coach said he could play with a cast and the baseball coach said they were going to tape his glove on. As his Gingi, I hurt for him because he is so sad.

•Lynn Grove United Methodist Church will host Easter Sunday serviced at 9 a.m. Sunday, April 21, and normal service at 9 a.m. Sunday, April 28. The Lynn Grove UMC is under construction as they are adding space to their church. Go by and check out their addition.

•Union Grove Baptist Church will hold Passover Seder Meal Presentation “Messiah in the Passover” with author and television personality Rabbi Daniel Schnaider beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, at the church, 15301 FM

362. The event is “for those without faith in Jesus and for those who wish to strengthen their faith.” All are welcome, but a love gift will be taken for Rabbi Daniel.

•Reminder: Sonshine Sisters will be Wednesday, April 17, this month. Come and join our group for fellowship, fun and food (of course); we are Lutherans! We invite anyone who wishes to attend.

•The Queen of Hearts game is presently more than $8,000 and with no winner, once again, Saturday night. The winner will get half of this pot and the remainder goes to veteran’s programs. Regarding veteran’s programs, would any of you have pictures, books, uniforms or other memorabilia that belonged to a family member from any war that you may wish to donate to the VFW Museum? Please let me know.

•Texas Prepares is a program sponsored by the State of Texas Health Services that instructs people how to be better prepared for floods, tornados and other catastrophic happenings. We are trying to organize a date for a special training. I will post information when I have more details.

•Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Betty Nigliazzo, Carole Robison, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Leonard Serres, Richard Shim-shack, Lois Bell, Jerri Ripper, Al Ripper, Rickey Bin-ford, Doris Binford, Charles Wellman, Von Herring and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add them to your list also.

Birthdays and


April 28 – Mark and Cherie Bauer; April 30 – Laura Hertel, Brad Swarts and Charles and Margaret Falco; and May 1 – Karl and Doris Collins. Congratulations to each of you!

Upcoming events:

April 17 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m. (changed date)

April 17 – Union Grove Baptist Church, Passover Presentation, 6 p.m.

April 18 – Maundy Thursday

April 18 – Grimes VFW Post 4006 and Auxiliary, 6:30 p.m. meal, 7:30 p.m. meetings

April 19 – Good Friday

April 21 – Easter Sunday

April 27 – Fourth Annual Birthday Bash at WH Community Center

If you have updates or additions for the birthday calendar or other events, I would be most happy to share with our community. Call me at 936-870-5284.