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Boat, motor registrations now available in Anderson

April 17, 2019 - 00:00
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Anderson News

As of April 5, 2019, Mary Ann Waters is announcing the Grimes County Tax Assessor-Collector’s office is now accepting boat and motor transactions. Anyone from any county can come into their office located in the annex building on Buffington St. to have their boat registration renewed or to transfer ownership of that boat and motor. Thanks to Mary Ann for working diligently to bring more convenience to Grimes County, as well as the surrounding counties. For more information, call the office at 936-873-4465.

•The second annual farmer’s market at Washington on the Brazos State Park will start this Saturday, April 20. The set-up will be under the oaks at the visitors’ center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will continue every third Saturday through July. There will be a break in August and then resume from September through November. The April 20 opening market will feature a 1900s Church Wagon serving lunch.

•Mark your calendar for these upcoming events: the annual 4-H Spaghetti Scholarship Lunch Delivery, Supper and Facebook Auction, Friday, April 26; the Ag Booster Club of Anderson-Shiro’s annual fundraiser, Saturday, May 4; the St. Stanislaus Spring Fest, Sunday, May 5; and the Anderson VFD’s annual fund-raiser, Saturday, May 11.

•The Grimes County Fair is set for May 31-June 7. Shelby Lero, daughter of Tommy and Debbie Lero, is running for Fair Queen representing the Anderson-Shiro FFA. You can get fair passes from Shelby for $15 until May 30. After May 30, passes will be $20. For passes, call or text Shelby at 979-595-8548 or 979-575-6353.

•American Legion Post 640 in Anderson is actively seeking new members. This organization meets on the second Monday of each month at 5 p.m. in the old Legion building across the street from the Anderson VFD at 415 Hill St.

•Don and I traveled to Santa Fe, Texas, this past weekend to witness our godchild, Kaytryn Bankston, make her First Communion on Saturday, April 13, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Hitchcock. After Mass, family members in attendance went back to their home in Dickinson to dine on some delicious food brought in from Olive Garden. Kaytryn is the daughter of Robert and Holly Bankston, big sister of Audrey and granddaughter of Joe and Denise (Sowell) Shead of Santa Fe.

•Happy birthday this week to Brandon Borski and Kyndal Bohnert, April 18; Geralyn Backhus, Hagan Burzynski, Maycee Myers and Victoria Negrin, April 19; Kimberly Holloway, Marlana Dobyanski, Nancy Hock and Jacquelyn Taylor, April 21; Doug Sechelski and Braleigh Pasket, April 22; Randy Cleere and Greg Hoffart, April 23; and Cheyenne Yargo and Donna Willett, April 24.

•Happy anniversary this week to: April 18, Tony and Jackie Watson, 21 years; April 19, Dennis and Dianne Sechelski, 39 years; April 20, Brandon and Andrea Eisenman, 6 years; April 21, Randil and Zola Taylor, 57 years; April 22, Tanner and Ashleigh Krause, 2 years; and April 22, Aaron and Mackenzie Walkoviak, 2 years.

If you have special news about what goes on in your family or life, let me know by calling 936-870-6842 or emailing me at .