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NISD passes intruder audit

December 20, 2023 - 00:00
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    Examiner photo by Matthew Ybarra

Navasota Independent School District Board of Trustees approved the annual audit during the Dec. 18, meeting.

According to an auditor from Belt Harris Pechacek, NISD had around $30.5 million in expenditures which is roughly 30% of expenditures in fund balance. The Government Finance Officers Association recommends 25-50%. He said you want to be above 25% but you don’t want to be too high because that means the district isn’t utilizing funds.

NISD Board member Paul Malek asked the auditor if there is a penalty for paying off debt early from a bond. There is not a penalty if bonds are callable. According to Malek the district has prepaid approximately $1.7 million in debt from the 2017 bond, saving the district and taxpayers around 4% interest for the life of the loan.

The board also unanimously approved an audit engagement letter for financial audit for the 2023/24 fiscal year with Belt Harris Pechacek.

Bound Counsel

The board approved a resolution for an engagement agreement for bond counsel legal services with Cantu Harden Montoya LLP. Musick said this is the same firm that provided legal counsel for the 2007 bond.

Musick said the bond counsel will be available during every step including bond committee meetings and the potential calling of a bond election.

Math Software

NISD Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Learning, Dr. Tracy Stone, presented the board with three math software bids for grades kindergarten- eighth from Mind Institute: ST Math, Dream Box Learning Math and I-Ready Personalized Instruction.

Stone recommended a 3-year, $82,500 contract with Mind Institute: ST Math. The district has utilized ST Math for K-8 for the past 18 months. They are a state suggested and TEA preferred vendor. The software will be paid for with ESSER III funds of $27,500 the first year and $55,000 in TIMA funds the second and third year.

Other bids were a $40,400 two-year contract with Dream Box Learning Math and a $40,620 two-year contract with I-Ready Personalized Instruction. The board approved Stone’s recommendation to contract with ST Math.

Security Audits

NISD Director of Personnel & Administrative Services, Derek Bowman, presented emergency operation plan and security audits to the board.

“TEA now requires districts every year to submit their emergency operation plan to the Texas School Safety Center for review,” stated Bowman. Bowman said for October 2023 the district was required to submit a basic plan, severe weather annex, hazardous materials annex and train derailment appendix. Bowman said the district was notified the plans were received and approved.

Bowman added the district had their first two intruder audits of the year. Previously, audits would be conducted at one campus throughout the district, however, it is not required that all campuses in each district have an intruder audit. The district passed both audits.

Other action

• Approved 2023/24 TEA Bilingual Exception/ ESL Waiver.

• Approved joint election agreement with Grimes County and Brazos County.

• Approved purchase of replacement parts of HVAC and electrical equipment from the Aug. 13 and Aug. 23, 2023 Insurance Claims not to exceed $214,272.99.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, Jan. 22, at 7 p.m.