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White Hall Fundraiser April 22

April 19, 2023 - 00:00
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Joni and her family surprised me by coming to sunrise service at Salem on Easter. It makes my week great when attending church with my family. I got tickled seeing Bree and Bean coloring with Kohen. At least they were all quiet!


The rain was good for pastures and ponds, but the ruts someone made in my pasture are not welcomed. If it was an accident, I would have appreciated them coming by to tell me and offer to repair the deep holes. However, that did not happen.


Meetings keep this retired woman moving. When I think back, I did volunteer when I was working and driving an hour, one way to work. However, I still am impressed with people who work fulltime, have children in school and make it to meetings and hold an office.  


April 22 is the White Hall Community Center annual fundraiser. There will be a car show and barbeque chicken plates available for purchase. Gates open at 10 a.m. and serving begins at 11:30 a.m. Plates are $15 and include potatoes, beans, dessert and drink. Half a chicken is $8.Gun raffle tickets can be purchased at the event for $50 each. Sponsorships are welcomed. Come and check out the cars and visit. We would love to see you there.  


Pastor Kevin Broyhill is coming from North Carolina to minister to the folks of Grimes Countyat Union Grove Baptist Church of White Hall, 15301 FM 362, Navasota. Please mark your calendars now for three evenings, Wednesday-Friday, April 26-28, of wonderful Bible based teaching. 


The BBQ cook-off on April 29-30 sponsored by the Whitehall Icehouse and Cafe has been canceled.


Mrs. Lois Bell could use some extra prayers. Her fall has turned into more than just a hip issue.  On a good note, it was awesome to see Shawn Welch and family in church for Easter. His improvements are amazing.


Please add our sick and homebound friends to your prayer list. These friends include Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Alexander Hanna, Troy Weigand, Shawn Welch, Kimberly Weiser, Bib Kapchinski, Delores Mitschke, Charlotte Serres, Loyd Finke and Betty Feldmann.


Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries:

April 24 – Jim and Katie Statham; April 26 – Art Courville, Rachel Schroeder; April 27 – Laura Addicks; April 28 – Mark and Cherie Bauer; April 30 – Laura Hertel, Brad Swarts, Charles andMargaret Falco. Congratulations to each of you!  


Upcoming Calendar Events:

April 20 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m. at Salem Lutheran Church.

April 20 – Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary, 6:30 p.m., Trinity House.

April 22 – White Hall Community Center Annual Birthday Bash.

May 1 – White Hall Community VFD monthly meeting, 7 p.m.

May 6 – WHCVFD BBQ sandwich fundraiser, 11 a.m.


If you have any information you wish to share, please feel free to call at 936-870-5284 or email me at and I will be happy to add to my column.