Mass Gathering, Parade, ROW permits required in Grimes County
The Grimes County Commissioners Court held a Regular meeting Wednesday, Sept. 25, and approved a Mass Gathering Permit Request Form, a Right of Way Parade Permit Application and Right of Way Permit Request Form. The permit requirement was effective immediately. The application fees are $100 and are required for activities in unincorporated areas of Grimes County, not within the city limits of Grimes County municipalities.
According to county attorney, Jon C. Fultz, the Mass Gathering Permit is “facilitating” a state law already in effect for mass gatherings. Regarding the Parade and Right of Way permits, the Texas Transportation Code gives counties jurisdictions over roads in the county regardless of whether they are farm-to-market, state highways or county roads.
DPS Sgt. Alease Wilson told commissioners, “It’s for all events so you aren’t targeting a particular type of event. It gives law enforcement, EMS and the fire departments a heads-up that this situation is going on.”
For more information or to obtain a permit, contact Emergency Management Coordinator David Lilly at
(979) 204-4592, or (936) 873-4404, or email: david.
Proposed animal shelter relocates
Commissioners approved amending the lease agreement with Grimes County Animal Rescue to change the animal shelter’s location pending finalization of the survey. The shelter’s proposed location will be accessed from Hill Street and located just north of the Anderson Volunteer Fire Department.
Relocation was prompted primarily by lack of visibility as well as concerns about the proximity to the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) gun range.
Commissioner David Dobyanski said, “When you put in an animal shelter, you need to move the dogs as quickly as you can. If we put it in the back (of the gun range), access will be harder. You want it visible…and it will be more convenient for the sheriff’s department to oversee the workers from the jail working with the animals since it will be closer to the jail.”
Budget, tax rate adopted
By a show of hands as required, commissioners approved the 2019-20 budget in the amount of $28.2 million followed by approval of the tax rate of $0.530261, of which 100% will go to maintenance and operation.
Early voting ballot
board approved
David Patrick, Charles Posinski, Delores Posinski, Jan Roseman and Robert Roseman were approved to serve on the early voting ballot board for a two-year term ending 2021. Board members process ballots-by-mail, absentee and limited ballots as well as overseeing the justification of provisional ballots.
Other court action:
•Approved consent agenda items that included Treasurer’s list of claims and bills, payroll, August 2019 Monthly Report, budget and/or line item transfers.
•Presented a service pin to Budget Auditor Jessica Murphy for 10 years of employment.
•Signed a proclamation recognizing Oct. 6-12 as National 4-H Week.
•Approved the 2020 retiree medical program renewal with United Healthcare and authorized the county judge as signatory.
•A motion to approve certificate pay for the Criminal Deputy District Clerk failed for lack of a second.
•Approved the final plat for Kenzie’s Subdivision located off CR 127.
•Awarded the contract for construction of a county maintenance barn on FM 2445 to Champco, Inc. in the amount of $492,200.
•Awarded the contract for construction of a bridge on CR 202 under the 2015 General Land Office to Glenn Fuqua, Inc. in the amount of $575, 410.
•Approved the sale of county property on FM 2445 comprised of 10.2 acres and a house to Industry Tractor and Equipment in the amount of $316,000.
•Voting on each item separately, approved the following annual contracts: Flexible Base to Frost Crushed Stone and Connors Crushed Stone; Tree Trimming to Flores Tree Service; Bridge Construction Labor to Neyland Bridge Construction; Mowing to Wayne Poole, LLC; Culverts to Wilson Culverts; Fuel to Kolkhorst Petroleum; Contract Hauling to Glenn Fuqua, Inc. and Matt Transportation, Inc.
•Received a Road and Bridge update on maintenance, current road projects, drainage and grant applications. It was noted that six employees completed Advanced Motor Grader Training offered by UT-Arlington.
•Approved the Economic Development Services Agreement with the Navasota Grimes Chamber of Commerce for 2019-20 and authorized the county judge as signatory.
•Approved cancellation of the Oct. 9 Commissioners Court Regular Meeting and scheduling of a Commissioners Court Special Meeting Oct. 16 due to conflict with the Annual County Judges and Commissioners Conference in Galveston the week of Oct. 7.
Burn ban status
The burn ban remains in effect.