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Happy Father’s Day

June 13, 2019 - 07:00
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Richards News

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, daddies, pops, grandpas, stepfathers, gramps, great grandpas and even great, great grandpas. You are all so special. I hope your day will be as special as you are.

There is something about a daddy’s hands. Music writer Holly Dunn knew this well. In 1985 she wrote a very special song that still brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. After losing my father 41-years ago, this song brings back memories of my daddy each time I hear it.

With Father’s Day approaching fast, I thought I would share a few words from her loved song. A tribute to all fathers. For those who have daddies and those whose dad have gone too soon, Holly said it best “Daddy’s hands were soft and kind when I was crying. Daddy’s hands were hard as steel when I did wrong. Daddy’s hands weren’t always gentle, but I’ve come to understand, there was always love in daddy’s hands.”

If you are blessed to still have a father, make time to spend with him. For all of you and those who are just holding onto the memory of their father, remember your Father in Heaven. God loves you dearly and will never leave or forsake you. He is just a prayer away. You are his precious child. He is always there and has the whole world in his hands.

Shiro Community Churches will gather together at Shiro Baptist Church, 6670 Carrell Street, in Shiro for vacation bible school, June 12 through 14, from 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m. This year’s theme is “To Mars and Beyond.” For more information contact

This year many children will enjoy “To Mars and Beyond” at Union Grove Baptist Church, 24380 FM 149, in Richards, for vacation bible school June 17 through June 21. Bible school begins nightly at 5:45 p.m. and ends at 8:15 p.m. Dinner is included, and transportation is available. VBS is available for ages three through students that have completed sixth grade. Call or text 936-661-8604 for more information.

A special happy birthday to Bobby Moriarty who celebrates his birthday June 15. If you see him around be sure to wish him a happy birthday.

Richards Methodist Church, 6639 FM 1486, and Crossroads Fellowship will collaborate for a fun time hosting “Into the Wild,” vacation bible school 2019. VBS will take place 6:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m., June 23-June


Be sure and mark your calendars for June 15. Planet Jupiter will be easily visible, and you’ll be able to see its four biggest moons with a good pair of binoculars.

It is with a heavy heart I share with you the passing of Darlene Ward, Friday, May 31. We had her on our prayer list for some time. A beautiful service was held for Darlene June 5, at Faith Outreach Christian Center in Navasota. Her burial followed at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Anderson. Darlene was a good friend of mine for many years. Some people even thought we were sisters. We were next door neighbors for a while. We remained in touch even after she moved to College Station and I moved to Richards. I will really miss her. Everyone that knew her knew she was a beautiful kind lady.

Please keep her family and friends in your prayers. Her husband Richards Ward serviced many of the dairies in and around Grimes County for many years. They owned and operated Ward Surge Sales in Anderson. I could write so much about this beautiful lady.

Please be in prayer for the Ward family, Robert and Rebecca Wisnoski, Stacey Wisnoski, Mary Tomkivits and our country.

Send news to or call 936-851-2585.