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Zion Lutheran VBS next week

June 21, 2023 - 00:00
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Each year after St. Joseph’s bazaar in Stoneham, I include the winners of the raffle. Because of Memorial Day, I had to send my news in early, so I planned to put them in the following weeks news. Well, that didn’t happen, and it was brought to my attention by members of that parish. Better late than never. 1) John Deere Riding Lawn Mower – Kendall Funderburg; 2) Outdoor Barbecue Grill – Carolyn Tomkivits; 3) Yeti Tundra 65 Cooler – Ed Schausel; 4) $200 Certificate – H. C. Kenney; 5) $200 Certificate – Dennis Kimich; 6) $200 Certificate – Darrell Borski; 7) $200 Certificate – Elizabeth Nowak; (8) $200 Certificate – Nora Galik; 9) $200 Certificate – Lisa Atkinson; 10) $150 Certificate – Darrell Borski; 11) Queen Size Quilt – Judith Hirshey; 12) $100 Certificate – Ann Clark; 13) $100 Certificate –Bob Brewer; 14) $100 Certificate – Harlan Jochen; 15) $100 Certificate – Freddie Seale.

Zion Lutheran Church, 455 FM 149 in Anderson, will host Vacation Bible School June 2630, from 9 a.m.- noon daily. The Theme is God’s Living Waters. To register a child or to volunteer to help with VBS, contact Pastor Lamb, 432-385-4022 or Carolyn Lamb, 432-385-4018.

The Hoffart family made it through another annual vacation last week. It is a family tradition, and now since our parents are both gone, I, being the oldest child always ensure the tradition remains. This year I found a place in New Braunfels with a swimming pool and six cottages. All 38 family members attending fit comfortably in the houses. We had a couple of extra beds, so we included our aunt Aleen Mock and Uncle Darrell Herzog on this trip.

As usual we had a wonderful time laughing until we cried and enjoying each other and our families. We always try to have some kind of a surprise to liven up the party, so this year I brought some of our mother’s “moo-moo” dresses that she loved to wear. One evening, I dressed myself and my siblings Debbie, Lynn, Carol and even our brother Jeffrey in her dresses. We each put on a pair of her clip-on earrings and carried a gift bag posing as our purses. We strolled to the pool where the rest of the family was hanging out. We laughed until we cried once again! Can’t wait until next year.

Louise Swonke turned 80 on June 16. Her children, Randy and Teresa Swonke and Susan Swonke threw a party for the occasion June 17, at The Prairie Place in Dobbin owned by Jr. and Linda Mock. A barbecue dinner was provided, and Bill Mock and Karl Waitz provided the kind of country and western music she loves as guests listened or danced. Sheriff Don Sowell gave her an Honorary Sheriff of Grimes County certificate. Of course, every party or celebration has a hitch or two happen and this event was no different.

As the event approached, Ms. Louise was hospitalized on her birthday with kidney stones. Her children were fretting as the next day was her party. The afternoon of the party her daughter Susan dressed and kidnapped her from the hospital. She arrived in a wheelchair with her hospital band still on, but she had to be back at the hospital by 7 p.m. She thoroughly enjoyed visiting with family and friends and listening to her favorite music.

Anderson-Shiro Class of 2009 graduate Landon Rabun, son of Scott and Tammy Rabun of Plantersville, finally got to call Clare Hamilton, daughter of Noel and Edie Hamilton of Cibolo, his bride. A previous date was set for the wedding but with their careers it just didn’t work out. Finally, Saturday, June 17, Landon and Clare were wed by Fr. Ed Kucera, Jr. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Plantersville. A dinner and dance reception followed in the church hall. Landon is a DPS officer stationed in Uvalde. The couple will reside in Utopia.

Happy Birthday to those celebrating this week: June 22 – Morgan Bourque; June 23 – Randy Briers and Taylor Bayer; June 24 – Eric Szymczak and Camden Eastep; June 25 – Opal Core; June 26 – Sam Ruffino, Sr. and Khloe Kolbasinski; June 27 – Scott Harman, Briana Taylor, Jeffrey Nobles, Mason Aaron and Dylan Garcia; and June 28 – Jenny Bischoff Ladd and Donnie Yargo.

Happy Anniversary to those celebrating this week: June 22 – Clint and Diana Branch, 21 years; June 22 – Lovett and Pat Boggess, 10 years; June 22 – Clayton and Suzy Molitor, 4 years; June 23 – Raymond and Pat Sechelski, 50 years; June 24 – Ryan and Winda Goodman, 6 years; June 24 – Josh and Jennifer Katkoski, 17 years; and June 26 – Cole and Reyann Davis, 13 years.

If you have special news about what goes on in your family or life, let me know by calling 936-870-6842 or email me at I would love to share with others.