Veterans speak at Navasota Library
During the summer months, Navasota Public Library offers special programs for children. Last Monday, Steve Storey, Commander of the American Legion and Janis Frenzel, Treasurer of Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary were both present with special programs. Commander Storey gave a presentation on the US Flag. He showed the children how to properly fold the flag, retirement of torn flags, history and much more. In addition, he gave each person a small flag. Janis talked about veterans in general. She talked about the branches of service, Buddy Poppies and explained about her dad and other veterans who established the current VFW Post.
Pastor Wayne Schumpe, former pastor at Salem Lutheran for many years, passed away. He was one of the kindest, down to earth pastors I have ever met. It would be greatly appreciated if you keep Mrs. Joan and the family in your prayers.
Flag Day was June 14, and it was recognized at VFW Post 4006. I know nowadays people are getting out more with the pandemic not as prevalent; however, I was amazed to see so many people attend the event. The Elks Lodge group led the majority of the gathering after Commander Shores and Sr. Vice Commander De-George opened. Several of the Auxiliary were there to properly cut the flags (I learned something new) and several scouts stepped in to assist. As an Auxiliary member, I want to thank all the county members who took time to join this event.
Sonshine Sisters always is a great means of fellowship and fun. It was a good day for this group of ladies.
Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary met for their monthly business meeting. Many topics were discussed including the upcoming Freedom Festival and Veterans Day. If you are downtown for the parade on June 30, please look for the Auxiliary table.
White Hall Community VFD will have their first Saturday sandwiches on July 1 and their monthly meeting July 10 rather than July 3. Visitors are welcome to attend monthly meetings.
Salem Lutheran Church VBS program is being held at the church July 17-21, from 9-11:30 a.m. Register online at To volunteer to help, contact Susan Brak, 936-870-7237 or Gail Schroeder, 936-870-8401.
Please add our sick and homebound friends to your prayer list. These friends include Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Alexander Hanna, Troy Weigand, Shawn Welch, Delores Mitschke, Glenn Binder and Betty Feldmann.
Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries June 25 – Glenn and D’Ann Binder; June 27 – Jennifer Shiflett; June 28 – Reid Hertel, Joni Surovik, Stephanie Ashlock; June 29 – Stanley and Carolyn Kettler; June 30 – Linda Robbins, Edgar and Karen Oncken, Chris and Kristi Sechelski, Tommy and Kate Sloan. Congratulations to each of you!
Upcoming Calendar Events
Each Monday of the Week, Clothes Closet, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at Grimes St. Joseph Hospital.
Each Tuesday in June – Union Grove summer program.
June 30 – Downtown Freedom Festival to include parade.
July 1 – WHCVFD Sandwiches, 11a.m. until sold out.
July 10 – Monthly Business Meeting for WHCVFD, 7 p.m.
July 20 – Grimes County VFW Post 4006 monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m.
July 17-21 – Salem Lutheran VBS.
If you have any information you wish to share, please feel free to call at 936-870-5284 or email me at imhoff2home@yahoo. com and I will be happy to add to my column.