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Loss of F.D. Calhoun saddens my heart

July 20, 2022 - 00:00
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On the evening of Saturday, July 16, I got a call that terribly saddened my heart. The Town of Anderson lost a great man with the passing of F.D. Calhoun, at the age of 87. At one time, the Town of Anderson was an incorporated town from April 2, 1983 to April 7, 1984. F.D. served as Mayor of Anderson during that time. The Town of Anderson was re-incorporated in January of 1995 when John Freeman was elected Mayor and F.D. served as an Alderman under him until Mr. Freeman stepped down in 2003.

In May of 2003, I was elected Mayor and F.D. continued to serve under me until his retirement in December of 2004. He was a very special man to me as we served our town together. F.D. was my right-hand man and I depended on him many times when I needed some wise advice. Even after his retirement, I would call on him for some reason or another and he would always be there for me. If you knew F.D., you knew he was a quiet and kind but mighty man and will be missed by all those who have come in contact with him throughout the years. In the past few years, F.D. was mostly seen riding “shotgun” with his brother Marshall Calhoun in and around Anderson. If you’ve been in Kott’s Café at lunch time you most likely shared the company of F.D. as he was a fixture there for tons of years. He has definitely left his mark in Grimes County and the Town of Anderson. Rest in peace F.D. as you join so many of your own family members and many friends.

The Knights of Columbus Council 4054 is holding a meat, gas and grocery raffle. Tickets are $50 per ticket and only 100 will be sold. The drawing will be held Aug. 9, unless the tickets are sold out at an earlier date. First prize will be a $500 Visa gift card; second prize will be a $300 Visa gift card; and the third prize will be a $200 Visa gift card. Proceeds from all fundraisers that the Knights put on are used to support the following: scholarships for local Catholic youth; local Catholic parishes, seminarian candidates, disaster relief and Christmas gifts for local families in need. To purchase a ticket or more, contact Raymond Miller, 979-203-1490; Ron Lahue, 281-507-2244; Henry Osterman, 832-868-7969; James Moran, 936-825-7866; Anthony Olivieri, 936-522-8146; Rick Atkinson, 281-794-3279; or any other member of Council 4054.

This Council would also like to honor Gerry Juelfs as June Knight of the Month and Dominic and Sara Adamo as June Family of the Month. Congratulations to these members for their significant contributions to recent Council activities.

Happy Birthday to those celebrating this week: July 21 – Ricky Schroeder, Catherine George and Jared Schroeder; July 22 – Norma Molitor,

Rheaghan Meyer, Tucker Foster, Chandler Katkoski, Nikki Sechelski and Bridget Kelley; July 23 – LaNell Szymczak, Sharon Matney, Stephanie Lowry, Raley Nienstedt, Morgan Hitchcock, Cole Hacker, Quinten Schweitz, Dennis Zonneveld and Lucia Core; July 24 – Nikki Zonneveld; July 25 – Darlene Lavender, Elizabeth Nowak, Halle Hargrove, Jacie McCarty, Rhonda Hare, Jamie Miller and Brandon Core; July 26 – John Williams; July 27 – Bristol Cosby.

Happy Anniversary to those celebrating this week: July 22 – Donald and Mary Yargo, 44 years; July 23 – Don and Gail Sowell, 34 years; July 23 – Gerald and Laura Purcell, 56 years; July 23 – Jason and Ashley Andruss, 6 years; July 23 – Brian and Talitta Coleman, 28 years; July 25 – Jim and Pat Moran, 58 years; and July 25 – Herb and Georgia Abraham, 52 years.

If you have special news about what goes on in your family or life, let me know by calling 936-870-6842 or email me at gailmsowell