Evergreen Baptist Christmas program Dec. 15
Keith News
Well folks, here we are almost at the end of another year. I hope that all has been well with you. If not I hope the rest of the year will be better. God bless you and all your family.
Ethan Earl Brown is home for about two weeks from his post of duty in the Navy. All of us were certainly glad to see him and his friends as well. We were glad to have him in service at Evergreen Baptist Church.
The monthly meetings of the Orphans Friends Masonic Lodge No 17 and Bedias Masonic Lodge No 651 were held Monday, Dec. 2, and Tuesday, Dec. 3. The covered dish meals were enjoyed by all in attendance. A good time was enjoyed by both lodges and those in attendance. Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming year.
It’s almost time to pay our taxes. Hopefully everyone has or will pay them before the due date.
The Iola-North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No. 458 will have their monthly meeting Friday, Dec. 13; a little early because of Christmas. The meeting will be held at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge No. 593 in North Zulch. All Star members are invited to come out and have their last meeting of the year. Also, the membership will have their Christmas party and gift exchange. Bring a gift if you plan to participate. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a covered dish meal followed by a short business meeting.
There won’t be a Keith Civic Club meeting in December due to Christmas. The next meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 23. At that time dues for the year will be due. Make plans to start the year off right by joining as a member. Hope lots of people will join and meet with your neighbors, friends and family members. Hope to see you then. New officers for the year are Bob Templeton- president, Glenn Lorance- vice president and Tammy Sanford- secretary/ treasurer. Some names were printed wrong in last week’s Keith News.
The Evergreen Baptist Church will have its annual Christmas program Sunday, Dec. 15, during the morning worship service. Lots of fun activities are planned. The meal following the service will consist of sandwiches, chips, dips and desserts. Among the dips will be the world-famous John Ray spinach dip. Join us for the activities. If you were members in the past and stopped coming for whatever reason or would like to visit you are welcome to attend.
Happy birthday this week to Dec. 8- Walter Lloyd Maxwell, Roman Malinda Trant, Mary Jane Davis Allison, Linda Rae Blount; Dec. 9- Jason Ray Trant, Carolyn Patterson; Dec. 12-Danny Ray Jarvis, Saundra Robertson Finley; Dec. 14-Yuvonne Murray Brandi Calhoun and Louis Fuller. Hope that your special day was a happy one.
If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.