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Anderson-Shiro Fall Festival Friday

October 19, 2022 - 00:00
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    Examiner photo by Gail Sowell: The 10 children of Sylvester and Laura Sechelski carry on the Polish tradition of making a huge pot of Czarnina (duck soup) every year in October at the home of Marion and Evelyn Szymczak and invite family and friends to help celebrate their heritage. The Sechelski brothers from left are: Kenneth, Gerald, Marvin, Stanley, Nathan, Dennis and Doug. Their sisters include from the left: Deanie Vezurk, Debbie Klawinsky and Evelyn Szymczak.

For many, many years on the third Saturday of October, the children of Sylvester and Laura Sechelski put on a Czarnina (duck soup) party to honor their Polish heritage. Besides the Czarnina, there is homemade chicken noodle soup with real homemade noodles made each year by Debbie (Sechelski) Klawinsky, as well as fried chicken and all kinds of sides and homemade desserts. Most of the delicious foods served are from the recipes of their mother Laura. Even though I’m pretty much full-blooded German, I appreciate my Polish friends inviting us to this feast each year. Fr. Ed Kucera always attends because he loves Czarnina and usually has several bowls of it. The event was held at the barn of Marion and Evelyn (Sechelski) Szymczak this past Saturday evening.

Our friend and Polish historian Brian Marshall shared with us on his Facebook page the origin of this particular soup. Czarnina was always a favorite soup of the ancestors from both Wiekopolska and Malo Polska. Modern Polish historians will tell you this soup was only served to males when their courtship was being rejected by the woman’s family when they didn’t accept the idea of their daughter to be married to the proposed groom. While there is truth in this, it was a ceremony that was only practiced by the elite and was not necessarily a peasant tradition. The Texas Poles, primarily of peasant stock 150 years removed, loved Czarnina when the weather turned cold and still do. It was a special time when it was prepared and the culinary skill that was required was beyond most modern-day cooks’ capabilities. It requires a perfect blend of sweet and sour to make it a perfect pot of soup. Thank you, Brian, for this special history lesson.

The Anderson-Shiro PTO Fall Festival is Friday, Oct. 21 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on the Elementary campus. The evening will include family friendly activities, live auction, silent auction, raffle, food trucks, kids’ zone, carnival and more. Auction items are needed. Call the Elementary, 936-873-4525 for more information or to donate items. All proceeds raised go back to students and teachers.

Every weekend throughout October from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Fanthorp Inn State Park, 579 S. Main St., is commemorating the 155th anniversary of Henry and Rachel Fanthorp’s passing. Come explore the unique and peculiar ways Victorian families mourned the loss of a loved one. Due to the macabre nature of the subject matter, this program may not be suitable for children under 10.

On Saturday, Oct. 29 only, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., take a ride through history and experience what travel in early Texas was truly like on the Inn’s replica stagecoach. Admission is free but the suggested donation for adults is $4 ($10 with coach ride) and for children is $2 ($5 with coach ride). Contact Chandler Wahrmund, chandler. or 936-878-2214, x250 for more information. The Knights of Columbus #4053 will host a blood drive at the St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Parish Hall Sunday, Oct. 23 from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to sign up, call Henry Ostermann, 936-873-2291.

The Town of Anderson’s Trunk or Treat annual event will take place on Main St. as usual Saturday, Oct. 29. For more information, call the town office, 936-873-3102.

Happy Birthday to those celebrating this week: Oct. 20 – Sarah Dietrich, Bernard Dobyanski; Oct. 21 – Randy Foy, Jessica Brooks, Kasi Gayle, Parker Moriarty, Jessica Eastep, Willie Tyler, twins Casey and Cassidy Godfrey; Oct. 22 – Amanda Sechelski, Delores Posinski, Keri Soltow, Virginia Pasket; Oct. 23 – Fr. Ed Kucera, Jr., Kim Beene, Stephanie Lewis, Michael Molitor; Oct. 24 – Gwen Lamascus, Traci Trant, Marie Vickery, Pauline Fread; Oct. 25 – Megan Lero, Christina VanTassel, Dustin Cook, Nathan Harsh; Oct. 26 – Florence Bay, Michael Wrobleski, Holly Pasket, Gary Teston.

Happy Anniversary to those celebrating this week: Oct. 20 – Cristobal and Alejandra Tejeda, 10 years; Oct. 21 – Ricky and Debby Kimich, 44 years; Oct. 23 – Marion and Evelyn Szymczak, 51 years; Oct. 24 – Ronny and Suzy Bennett, 35 years; Oct. 25 – Ethan and Megan Barcak, 8 years; Oct. 25 – Kevin and Ashley LaFlash, 8 years; and Oct. 26 – Jeff and Adrienne Hoffart, 20 years.

If you have special news about what goes on in your family or life, let me know by calling 936-870-6842 or email me at gailmsowell@