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Turn lane ahead for Fairway at 105 west
In April 2023 TxDOT will go out for bids for the construction of a turn lane which will cover a stretch of SH 105 West which intersects with Fairway Drive on the City’s west side. Fairway Drive is the main road leading to the Pecan Lakes Estates subdivision. According to developer James Hassell, Phases III and IV now in progress, will add 373 new homes.
According to TxDOT’s Bryan District Engineer Chad Bohne, the turn lane improvements will not include a flashing beacon.
Bohne told the Examiner, “To install a flashing beacon, TxDOT would typically perform a warrant study to determine if installation would be appropriate. We are not seeking that treatment for this location at this time.”
Bohne explained that the turn lane will begin at Fairway Drive and extend approximately one-half mile west.
He said, “We are considering adding the length based on continued discussions.”
The growth occurring in rural Texas’ small towns and communities is prompting the addition of turn lanes and is a discussion between TxDOT and developers when they apply for driveway permits.
Bohne said, “We do our best to partner with them to address the changes in traffic or addition of traffic to our system. Developers requesting direct access to a state roadway are required to obtain a driveway permit from the State. The permit will have conditions that must be met by the developer depending on the specific circumstances.”
Construction will begin summer to early fall 2023 and drivers should expect to see some daily, periodic lane closures as necessary.