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County vehicle lease narrowly passes 3-2

March 30, 2022 - 00:00
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    Pct. 2 Commissioner David Dobyanski makes a presentation to Victims Assistance Coordinator Brenda Williams in recognition of her 35 years with Grimes County.

Nearly two hours after taking the podium at the March 23 meeting of Grimes County Commissioners Court, Pct. 2 Constable Blake Jarvis’ request to lease two Ford Police Interceptors and a Silverado Crew Cab from Enterprise Fleet Management was approved, pending contract review by commissioners. The 3-2 outcome with Commissioners David Dobyanski, Chad Mallett and Judge Joe Fauth voting aye and Commissioners Phillip Cox and Barbara Walker voting nay did not come without a debate on the merits of leasing versus purchasing.

Jarvis cited a 23-year history of issues with Grimes County vehicles going back to his days as a jailer. The current vehicles in question are a 2011 with 215,000 miles, a 2012 with 140,000 miles and a 2018 with nearly 115,000 miles. Less than halfway into the current fiscal year, Jarvis said he has spent $9,000 on vehicle maintenance and is over his vehicle maintenance line item.

As for references, Jarvis provided the court with positive recommendations from the Sheriff’s departments in Waller and Washington counties and the Navasota Police Department Chief Shawn Myatt.

Objections to leasing came from Cox, Walker and County Auditor Jessi Murphy who felt the County could purchase and resell the vehicles with the same results as Enterprise but without interest or management fees. They expressed reservations about Waller and Washington counties which were only one year into their agreements.

Cox acknowledged the necessity for the County to develop a fleet management strategy for replacing vehicles.

Expo fee adjustments

Commissioners approved Friday-Sunday rental fees for the Grimes County Expo Center and Fairgrounds, increasing rental of the Main Event Hall from $3,500 to $3,800 per day. Fees are effective for bookings made after Jan. 1, 2023. There were no changes to fees for the Lion’s Club building, Go Texan Hall or other amenities.

On March 9 commissioners approved reducing fees for bookings made after Jan. 1, 2023, for Monday-Thursday use to stimulate rentals during the week.

Rental of the Main Hall will be $2,500 per day. The Lion’s Club building will rent for $75 per hour compared to $900 per day Friday-Sunday, and the Go Texan Hall rental will be $75 per hour compared to $450 per day Friday-Saturday.

Fees for nonprofits and county affiliated groups will be based in part on the event and at the discretion of Fairgrounds administrator Randy Krueger.

Other court action:

-Approved Consent Agenda items which included the Treasurer’s List of Claims and Bills, payroll, Budget Amendments and line-item transfers, approval of a Communications Line Installation permit for Fiber Light on CR 261 at SH 30 in Precinct 1 and a Waterline Installation permit for Wickson Creek SUD on CR 127 in Precinct 1.

-Presented service awards to nine county employees.

-Approved a Proclamation presented by GC Child Welfare Board chairman, Patti Sexton, recognizing April 2022 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Grimes County.

-Approved the GC Child Welfare Board’s MOU with CPS and Episcopal Diocese for the Rainbow Room Project with Texas Association of Counties (TAC) approved insurance coverage.

-Approved the formation of the nonprofit Friends of the Grimes County Child Welfare Board.

• Approved Maintenance Department request to auction surplus items from Maintenance, IT and Elections departments.

-Approved raising IT Department PC Tech I position pay from $17 to $19 for a select candidate.

-Tabled discussion on Tax Assessor-Collector Mary Ann Waters’ requests related to ARPA funding for restoration of the Tax Rolls which are permanent records, shredding of documents and possible budget adjustment

• No action taken on District Clerk Diane LeFlore’s request related to shredding files.

• After meeting in closed session as authorized by Texas Government Code 551.074, Personnel Matters, approved reviewing the decision by TAC and Navitus Health Solutions to discontinue prescription medication waivers.

• After meeting in closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code 551.074, Personnel Matters, approved adjustment to the Maintenance Department position Lead Maintenance/Community Service Coordinator, its grade level and duties.

• Approved Human Resource Director Talitta Coleman’s request to adjust the Grimes County Salary Structure.

-After a public hearing with no comments against, approved the replat of Muir Woods Subdivision in Pct. 1.

-Approved Road & Bridge Engineer Harry Walker’s request to go out for Asphalt & Emulsions bids.

-Approved revising the County policy to not require bid bonds.

-Approved the plat for The Corner at Rock Road Subdivision on CR 164 at CR 110 in Pct 1

-Tabled discussion related to establishing Courthouse Security and Courtroom Protocol.

-Tabled action of approval ofARPA expenditures pending a workshop.

-Strategic Plan update included mention of the animal shelter fundraiser Saturday, May 26, and that a contract has been signed with a builder for the shelter.

-Public Comments: Blackberry resident Ever Johnson publicly thanked Road & Bridge for paving roads in her subdivision.

Commissioners court may be viewed in its entirety at

Burn Ban: The bum ban remains lifted.