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RISD youth work hard to achieve success

November 17, 2021 - 00:00
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    Courtesy photo: Richards 4-H members held their annual food drive benefitting local families.

For over 120 years PTO and PTAs around the nation have worked hard to help schools better reading and math skills, socialization of students and ensure that no matter the subject, parents continue to have a voice in their child’s education. Richards ISD PTO is no different, their upcoming plans and student activities are proof that PTO in our community continues to strive towards success. The group announced the need for volunteers at RISD every Tuesday and Thursday to help with skill development at RISD. Parents can sign up via Sign Up Genius Panther PTO “Panther Parents Volunteer” or email pantherPTO@ Volunteers will help with math and reading skill development.

The group has worked hard fundraising for the costs to upgrade playground equipment. As of this week the equipment has been ordered and delivery will be scheduled soon. Thursday, Nov. 18, RISD will host their annual Thanksgiv ing Day Feast, RISD PTO is asking for volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean. The group will also host their annual “Parents Night Off” Dec. 10 from 3:25 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Volunteers will be on hand at RISD to play games, and entertain any children that attend, and PTO will purchase pizza for the children who attend. The cost is $20 per child, with the proceeds going towards additional PTO projects. To sign up or help with the event please email

This year the RISD Christmas program will be held Dec. 16, with Santa attending as well. PTO will be handing out reindeer food for all the children, and needs help with donations of red, green, and silver glitter, green sprinkles, and oatmeal to build the reindeer food bags. All donations for the Christmas event will need to be at RISD no later than Dec. 8. The RISD staff Christmas luncheon will be hosted by PTO on Dec. 16- this year’s theme will be “crockpot luncheon” with favorite crockpot meals being served. Volunteers can sign up to contribute to the food needed, contributing monetary donation, or helping the day of the event with set up and clean up.

Not to be left out of any fall activities-the Richards chapter of Grimes County 4-H recently met with Tammy Harvey-who shared tips on raising show goats, ring side experience and goals the young group should hit when raising the small show animals. The group also held their first annual chili cook off, with 4-H members and their families making chili, tasting each of the entries and casting votes for first, second and third places. The Butler, Futral and Holman families tied in creating the best pot of chili. The next 4-H meeting will be held with the Annual Richards Christmas Parade on Dec. 18, the group will pass out candy, ride on a tractor pulled wagon decorated by our 4-Hers. In November the 4-H group also hosted their annual food drive with all the proceeds donated to programs benefitting families in our community.

Upcoming events

Nov. 18: RISD Thanksgiving Feast & RISD School Board meeting.

Dec. 7-9: PTO Santa Shop at RISD, kids can bring money and shop for goodies and gifts.

Dec. 10: Parents Nighy Off: Pizza, games for the kids.

Dec. 16: Annual School Christmas Program & Teacher Crockpot Luncheon.

Dec. 18: Richards Christmas Parade-Main St Richards.

Jan. 8: Richards Alumni Basketball game

Have news about Richards - send it to me, ybarrafamily23@gmail. com or on Facebook lucky.ybarra.23.