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County approves CIP funds for St. Joseph Navasota

September 08, 2021 - 00:00
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At the Sept. 1 Regular Meeting of the Grimes County Commissioners court, commissioners approved funds for capital improvement projects and repairs at CHI St. Joseph Health Grimes Hospital and at the Stoneham EMS station for the remainder of the current budget year and in the upcoming budget year.

Commissioner Barbara Walker’s motion pertained to reimbursing St. Joseph Grimes for emergency repairs already performed, and for $29,700 for electrical work to be done before replacing the 40-year old generator which failed during the February freeze.

EMS station funding will cover installation of the septic system after relocation of the maintenance building to the new county maintenance facility on FM 2445.

The proposed 2021-2022 budget includes assumption of responsibilities for maintenance and establishment of a preventive maintenance program for the Navasota hospital by Facilities Maintenance Manager Al Peeler effective Oct. 1.

Referring to her recent meeting with hospital administration and maintenance staff, Peeler and County Engineer Harry Walker, Commissioner Barbara Walker said, “We’ve always had a janitorial department. It wasn’t until recent years that we started having a maintenance program, and the hope is to have a roving maintenance person for all of our facilities that are now going to fall under Mr. Peeler.”

Kurt Sundermann, Operations Director at St. Joseph Grimes said, “We’ve made a lot of improvements this year. Currently they’re putting three new HVAC systems on top of the building that were damaged by hail that we got with insurance, a new roof and quite a few other improvements we’re making to the building.”

According to Sunderman, interior improvements “refreshing the inside” include new flooring, repainted patient rooms and new artwork.

Peeler said, “We know we have some electrical stuff that we have to upgrade. This will be just like the jail. It’s going to be a slow process getting it done because neither they nor us can do it all at one time.”

It was noted that the last capital improvement projects occurred in 2015.

Other court action:

•Approved Consent Agenda items which included a waterline installation permit for Wickson Creek on CR 180, the treasurer’s list of claims and bills, payroll, treasurer’s monthly report, and budget amendments and/ or line-item transfers.

• Received a report from Facilities Maintenance/Project Manager Al Peeler stating mold remediation at the Grimes County jail is complete, and an update on rain days, furniture delivery and work to be completed at the Grimes County Justice Center.

•Approved the fees for notices and services for the Sheriff’s and Constable’s offices to be effective Jan. 1, 2022, without changes.

•Approved the Order for Online Education for County Commissioners and authorize the county judge as signatory.

•Following a public hearing at 8:45 a.m. with no comments against, approved a replat of King Oaks Section 4, Block D, Lots 7 and 8 in Pct. 1.

•Approved a communication line installation permit at SH 90 and CR 445 in Pct. 4 and authorized the county judge as signatory.

•Received the Road & Bridge report from Engineer Harry Walker.

•Approved the proposed established salary, expenses, and other allowances of elected county and precinct officers according to Local Government Code 152.011 and 152.013. Elected officials must submit their disagreement in writing to the county judge and a grievance hearing will be scheduled for Sept. 10.

•Approved the 2022 County holiday calendar with no changes other than adjustments for holidays which fall on Saturday and Sunday.

Burn Ban: No action taken. The ban remains lifted.