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Civic Club monthly meeting canceled

July 21, 2021 - 00:00
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The monthly meeting of the Keith Civic Club scheduled for Thursday, July 22, has been canceled. I will post information for the next scheduled meeting once I receive the information.

The Enon First Missionary Baptist Church will have a community-wide revival July 22-23 with services beginning at 7 p.m. There will be a service July 24, beginning at 5 p.m. Following the final service, a meal will be served. Brother Tommy Jenkins will be the Evangelist and the Pool Ministry will provide music. Come join the services and fellowship. Hope everyone will try to attend.

A grandson of Jim and Nettie Moody recently visited their graves in Evergreen Cemetery. He also visited the grave of Nettie’s stepfather, Rev. W.H. Miller. It is always good to have people visit any of our cemeteries.

The monthly meeting of the Iola-North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No. 458 is scheduled for Monday, July 26, at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge in North Zulch. A covered dish meal will be served at 6 p.m. with the meeting to follow. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend.

A memorial service for Louise Stewart Doty will be held Saturday, July 24, at noon in the Evergreen Cemetery. Doty passed away on April 11. She is the daughter of Calvin and Mavis Stewart, also buried in the same cemetery. After the memorial everyone will meet at the Keith Community Center for a meal and other activities.

Happy birthday this week to: July 18 – Robert David Williams, Don Holly Creamer; July 20 – Harper Tatum Duke, Justin McKown, Michael Calhoun; July 22 – Thurman Wade House, Rev. Randy Bishop; July 23 – Michael Cole Johnson, McKensey Thomas; July 24 – Tammy Williams. Do hope your special day was a happy one.

Happy anniversary this week to Robert and Mallory Compian Frenzel, married July 18, 2020. Join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.