Gym renovations approved by school board
Navasota ISD board of trustees approved a two-year extension to Navasota ISD Superintendent Dr. Stu Musick’s contract at the monthly school board meeting held Tuesday, Jan. 21. The contract extends Musick’s employment to the year 2023.
School board president Jennifer Ramirez said the entire board was pleased to approve Musick’s contract. “Since his arrival in 2017, he [Musick] has worked diligently to improve our district,” said Ramirez.
Ramirez continued, “Dr. Mu-sick works timelessly managing the entire district including overseeing the bond projects that began last year and the athletic projects that are just beginning. We appreciate his wife Lauren and daughters Emma and Brennan for sharing him with us. Navasota ISD is fortunate to have such a strong leader and we look forward to continuing our relationship for years to come.”
School Board Appreciation
Musick presented certificates of appreciation to school board members in recognition of school board appreciation month. “January is board appreciation month and in recognition of our seven board members that serve, we would like to present each one of them with a certificate and thank you from TASB and NISD for dedicated leadership in public education and continuing service to the children of this community here at NISD.”
Musick said that being on the school board is an unpaid position and board members put in a lot of time and training.
Bond Phase 3
A guaranteed maximum price (GMP) of $11,299,500.13 was approved for Phase 3 of the $55 million bond project that voters approved in 2017.
Phase 3 will include replacing chillers, pumps, boilers upgrading to a more modern system at Brule Elementary. Brule will also have a new classroom wing, new kitchen, dining, walkway connecting Brule to the Rock Gym, parking in front of the school and renovations to the administration areas of the school.
High Point Elementary will also have renovations done as part of Phase 3 including classroom renovations, addressing drainage issues and adding new fencing around the playground area.
For bond updates visit moving forward.
Maintenance Tax Note
The school board approved a $4.3 million Maintenance Tax Note to upgrade athletic facilities in August 2019, and now the board is moving forward approving the purchase and installation of a new video scoreboard at Rattler Stadium and gym upgrades at four gyms across the district.
It was approved to purchase the new video scoreboard from Daktronics for $591,892 including installation. The new scoreboard will be over three-times the size of the current scoreboard and will include top of the line capabilities for track scoring and timing as well. Size of the approved scoreboard is 20.4-feet by 36-feet.
NISD Director of Technology Frank Perez, said the school has a good working relationship with Daktronics. “We have a good relationship with Daktronics and it’s a one call response when we call them for service.”
The school board also approved the gym renovations at the high school and junior high for a project cost of $681,173.
Renovations will include new gym floors at Rattler Gym, the high school auxiliary gym (the Pit) and wood flooring overlay at the eighth grade and seventh grade junior high gyms.
Bleacher projects at the auxiliary and both junior high gyms that will bring seating to ADA compliance will also be included in the price. There are also several other items included in the pricing such as pads for the walls.