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Richards ISD competes in UIL

December 11, 2019 - 00:00
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The Richards ISD elementary students competed in various UIL events and brought home a trio of first-place finishes, a second-place finish and four third-place finishes.


Creative Writing: Revel Stroup (second grade) - fifth place; Cali Wallace (third grade)- third place; Ready Writing: Cali Wallace (third grade)- first place; Neely Wilson (sixth grade)- sixth place; Storytelling: Revel Stroup (second grade) - fifth place; Oral Reading: Cali Wallace (third grade) - fourth place; Grade Joleigh Ellis (sixth grade) - sixth place; Spelling: Cotton Pool (fifth grade) - first place; Mathematics: Cali Wallace (third grade) - sixth place; Music Memory: Wense Savala (sixth grade) - second place; Caroline Pool (sixth grade) - third place; Sloan King (sixth grade) - third place; Drake Parrish (sixth grade) - third place; Team – first place;