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P&Z moves on Industrial Park area zoning

October 16, 2019 - 00:00
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The Navasota Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) held a Regular meeting Thursday, Oct. 10, and approved a zoning change for five properties in the Airport Growth Center and conducted a workshop to discuss zoning changes for five additional properties.

Commissioners conducted a public hearing and received no comments for or against rezoning 260.81 acres surrounding the Navasota Industrial Park currently zoned A/O, Agriculture/Open Space District.

Two of the five properties comprised of 104.51 acres front Interstate/CR 419 and were approved to be rezoned to B-1, General Business District.

The remaining three parcels totaling 156.30 acres were approved for M-1, Light Industrial.

Focus continues on

Industrial Park area

This action was followed by a workshop to discuss four properties north of the Heritage Meadows subdivision, between FM 379 and Veterans Memorial Drive, and an additional property between Interstate Road and S. Business 6. The five parcels total 177.83 acres.

Two of the four properties currently have split zoning, A/O and B-1. P&Z recommended the two properties with FM 379 frontage be rezoned to R-3, High Density, Multi-Dwelling Unit, Residential District, but maintain the B-1 along the frontage road.

The recommendation for the third parcel was R-3 as well, and R-1A, High Density, Single Dwelling, for the fourth parcel which abuts the Heritage Meadows Subdivision.

After review of the fifth property’s location in relation to residential areas, commissioners recommended rezoning from A/O to M-2, Heavy Industrial, per the property owner’s request. A public hearing will be scheduled before a vote is taken on the five properties.

Before adjourning, commissioners approved the Minutes of the Sept. 5 meeting.

Commissioners present were Dia Copeland, James Harris, Patty Tokoly and Dr. John Walla while Carolyn Katkoski and chairman, Randy Peters were absent.

Representing the City of Navasota were Community Relations Specialist Kris Gruver and Bernie Gessner serving as city council liaison.

P&Z meets the second and fourth Thursday at 6 p.m. in city council chambers at 200 E. McAlpine Street. The schedule for city council, board and commission meetings is available at