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Whitehall Birthday Bash this Saturday

April 24, 2019 - 00:00
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    Whitehall News Georgia Molitor

    Whitehall News

    Oh my gosh, this is the last week to remind everyone about cars, bikes, raffle items, barbecue chicken, live music, vendors and lots of fun at the Fourth Annual Birthday Bash fundraiser for the Whitehall Community Center. Saturday, April 27, is the date for all these events. We look forward to seeing you at our event. The gate will open at 10 a.m. and the meal serving time is 11 a.m. until we sell out.

    News from Lynn Grove UM Church - April Worship Schedule Sunday, April 28 - 9 a.m.

    The WHCVFD welcomes anyone interested in joining our group. Firefighters and auxiliary members are invited to contact any member regarding the requirements to join.

    Sonshine Sisters met on the third Wednesday since Thursday was Maundy Thursday. We only had three present, but if you stood outside the door you might have thought there was a crowd present. We still had great fellowship and I did win one of the domino games with Margaret Falco winning the first one. We will go back to the third Thursday of the month for our fellowship. The next meeting will be May 16. We encourage community members to come to our day of fun and fellowship.

    The Grimes VFW Post 4006 met for their monthly meeting Thursday. Elections were the main concern for the group. The Auxiliary officers remained about the same as last year and we are happy to announce a new member to our group, Theresa Rutledge. Please consider attending if you are a member or perhaps you would like to join. Our group is small but in many aspects we are mighty.

    Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Betty Nigliazzo, Carole Robison, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Leonard Serres, Richard Shimshack, Lois Bell, Jerri Ripper, Al Ripper, Rickey Binford, Doris Binford, Charles Wellman, Von Herring, Suzie Vickers and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add them to your list also.

    Birthdays and


    May 6 – Travis Kemp; May 7 – Jessica Bell, H. O. & Carolyn Raesener, Glenn & Melinda Schroeder; May 8 – Dorothy Holtkamp (older than me), Kathy Lieder; May 9 – Kaleigh Evans; May 11 – Brad Lowrey. Congratulations to each of you!

    Upcoming Calendar


    April 27 – Fourth Annual Birthday Bash at Whitehall Community Center

    May 4 – Texas Pickers, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown Whitehall

    May 4 – WHCVFD first Saturday barbecue sandwiches, serving begins at 11 a.m.

    May 6 – WHCVFD business meeting, 7 p.m. at the station

    May 16 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m. at Salem Educational Bldg.

    May 16 – Grimes Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4006 - Auxiliary, 6:30 p.m. meal, 7:30 p.m. meeting

    If you have news or additions for the birthday calendar, I would be most happy to share with our community. Call me at 936-870-5284.