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Evergreen Baptist to host Christmas Eve service

December 20, 2023 - 00:00
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The annual Stewart Family Reunion was held Saturday, Dec. 9, at the Keith Community Center with a good number in attendance. The meal was enjoyed by all. Everyone had a wonderful time visiting and catching up since last years reunion. Among those present were twins Sewell Stewart and Sue Ellen Huehner and Luann Halford. They are all children of Willie Stewart. Around 25 people attended, and they plan to get together again next year.

The monthly meeting of Iola North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No. 458 met at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge in North Zulch. The meeting began with a covered dish meal that was enjoyed by all. The business meeting followed with a bit of business taken care of.

Baylei Morgan, daughter of Rev. Jeff and Diana Morgan, graduated from East Texas Baptist University Saturday, Dec. 9. Her parents, her brother Tanner and other family members attended. Congratulations to her and them as well.

Paul Reynolds recently had surgery on his shoulder. All went well and he is recovering. Do remember him in your prayers as he recovers.

The children of Evergreen Baptist Church had their Christmas program Sunday, Dec. 10. All went well with the program. The program replaced the morning worship service. The girls all wore bonnets, and the boys wore top hats. They all looked really cute. Special thanks to the following: Children’s Ministry Director Misti Stanley, Assistant Director Barbara Reynolds, Assistant Director Emma Reynolds and Ray Chapman for his amazing work on the backdrop. God bless them all.

Evergreen Baptist Church will have their Christmas Eve service at the usual time, Sunday, Dec. 24. Instead of Sunday School, donuts and drinks will be served. The morning service will follow. There will be a candlelight service at 6 p.m. All are invited to attend. Hope to see you there.

All of the dumpsites in the county, including the one in Iola, will be closed Christmas day. They will be open regular hours the remainder of the week. Do hope everyone has a good time with family and friends.

Happy birthday this week to: Dec. 17 – Janice Harmon Crenshaw, Dylan Stanley, Ramona Carol Moon; Dec. 18 – Kenny Trant, Marshall Walpole, Robbie Dale McCleney; Dec. 19 – Ryan Smith, Billy Smith, Angie Rucker; Dec. 20 – Laura McBride; Dec. 21 – Wendy Jaster, Zachary James Barnett, Mollie Churchwell Fuller; Dec. 22 – Charlie Lee Shrimpton; Dec. 23 – Bobby Hershal Halley, Lexi Black, Jennie Davis, Janie Norman, Vicki Bushman Hillert. Do hope your special day was a happy one.

Happy anniversary this week to the following: Glenn and Elaine Lorance, married Dec. 22, 1962; Charlie and Kathie Neason Wendt, married Dec. 22, 1971. Do join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.