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Reds, Wheats & Blues Nov. 11

November 01, 2023 - 00:00
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Veterans Day, Nov. 11, will be celebrated with a parade, fundraiser drawings for Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary and ending with the Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce Reds, Wheats & Blues Festival at the VFW from 3-8 p.m. There will be several bands including Tubie and the Touchtones, Cari Hutson & Good Company, Randy Pavlock, and Shinyribs. Tickets are $30 at the door and $25 presale. Visit www.navasotagrimeschamber. com for more information.

Grimes County VFW Post 4006 Auxiliary is selling tickets for their fundraiser for $2 each or $5 for three. We will accept cash or checks. The money will be used to help veterans and their families. We try to help our county veterans when we learn of a need. Tickets will be available prior to and during The Festival at The Post. The donated prizes are good. Since we were unable to have our fundraiser last year, we would appreciate your help. Prizes will be drawn at 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, at The Post.

Nov. 18 is the official date to celebrate the 150-year anniversary of our little community, White Hall. In case you missed my news last week, Mrs. Eleanore Feldmann has been selected as our Queen. Please contact former residents and current residents to come and celebrate this special occasion. There are plans for bands, food, bounce house, cornhole and other activities.

We hope to see many people present to celebrate Mrs. Eleanore as she has been the resident and history point of the community her entire life. Admission to the event is free, however vendors available will charge. If you are interested in assisting in some way, please feel free to contact me.

This event is not a money- making event for anyone except the food vendors and the Courtney-White Hall 4-H group who are working towards their Forey Frenzel Scholarship, which they do each year in the fall. If you are interested in donating monies for a cause, please write your check to the White Hall Taxpayers Association, as all monies remaining, and special donations will be given to them to assist with their maintenance projects.

If you have preorders for Courtney-White Hall 4-H please contact Kaitlin Mikulin, 936-8705242 or Linda Robbins, 979-2190579 for your special requests. All their goods are donations only.

Wreaths Across America is Dec. 16. We will place wreaths on the graves of veterans at Salem Lutheran Cemetery. The Ladies Circle of Salem Lutheran Church voted to assist with this event again. The price this year is $17 per wreath. If you wish to help cover all the veterans at Salem Lutheran Cemetery, please let me know by Nov. 19, so I can collect the money and place the order. If you wish to purchase a wreath for your own veteran who is not resting at Salem, call me.

Please add our sick and homebound friends to your prayer lists. These friends include Frank Surovik, III, Lois Bell, Jean Fleischhauer, Sue Kolojaco, Mary Bauer, Rosa Finke, Mary Whatley, Billie Wittenbach, Suzie Rimes,Alexander Hanna, Troy Weigand, Shawn Welch, Delores Mitschke, Glenn Binder, Von Herring and Betty Feldmann.

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

Nov. 5 – Elizabeth Arthur, Melinda Schroeder, Baylee Swarts, Ben and Elva Mahaffey; Nov. 6 - Carl Busse, Cullen Robbins, Philip Robbins; Nov. 7 - Eli Alvarez, Earline Britt, Dennis Frenzel, Michael and Brooke Serres; Nov. 9 - Chris Cavanaugh, Cutter Sechelski; Nov. 11 Stephanie Bauer, Beth McGinty. Congratulations to each of you.

Upcoming Calendar Events

Each Monday of the Week, clothes closet, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Grimes St. Joseph Hospital. Clothes may be dropped off Monday-Friday at the hospital.

Each Tuesday, FREE Bingo at the VFW Post, 5:30 p.m. Food will be available for purchase.

Nov. 4 – WHCVFD first Saturday sandwiches, 11 a.m. till sold out.

Nov. 6 – WHCVFD Monthly business meeting, 7 p.m. at Station (community invited).

Nov. 11 – Veterans Day parade and Blues Festival.

Nov. 16 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m.

Nov. 16 – Grimes County VFW Post 4006 and Auxiliary, meal and meeting.

Nov. 18 – White Hall Community 150-year celebration.

Nov. 19 – POW/MIA Recognition to be held at Whiskey Tango Bar, 3 p.m.

If you have any information you wish to share, please feel free to call 936.870.5284 or email me, and I will be happy to add to my column.