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County mixed on OT pay, abatements, road approvals

February 22, 2023 - 00:00
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At the Feb. 15 Regular Meeting of Grimes County Commissioners Court, commissioners approved a request by District Attorney Andria Bender’s office to reallocate $7,200 in unused salary to increase the Crime Victims Assistance Overtime fund by $1,200 and the DA Salaries fund by $6,000. The $7,200 represents the one-month vacancy left by former Assistant District Attorney Courtney Cain, now Madison County DA, and the start date of attorney Tammy Thomas.

According to Investigator John Wren, the DA’s office has used 60-70% of their overtime budget less than six months into the fiscal year. Wren attributed this to more trials with three courts operating now, only two legal assistants to cover three courts and a problem with new management software caused by the software company. 

Wren stated the company acknowledged their mistake and will not bill for January-February, saving the County $5,000. This resulted in an amended motion to move $5,000 from the IT Software fund to the Contingency fund.


Candlewood tax abatement denied

Based on the recommendation of the court appointed abatement committee, commissioners approved a motion to deny an Application for Tax Abatement submitted by AAKAS, LLC for the proposed Candlewood Suites Hotel scheduled to break ground in Navasota in late 2023.

Commissioner Cox said, “It was determined the petition was invalid or disqualified because of the legal requirements up front that were required from the City of Navasota to designate the space a reinvestment zone. As of today that has not happened.”


CR 424 ICA secured

Commissioners approved an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Grimes County, the City of Navasota and J&H Development, LLC for improvements to CR 424 in Pct. 3. 

According to Road and Bridge Engineer Harry Walker, CR 424 has “suffered badly” during the construction of Pecan Lakes Estates Phase 4. The subdivision is in the Navasota city limits but CR 424 is in the City’s ETJ (extraterritorial jurisdiction). 

Walker said, “The basis of this agreement is that Mr. Hassell will build a 25-foot wide concrete road, curb and gutter with drainage facilities. The City is waiving their jurisdiction over the development standards so that things like the construction of sidewalks, things normally required in their ETJ, are not being required.”

He continued, “The County, we are waiving our 60-foot right of way criteria. We’re going to work within the existing right of way which varies in places. It’s 40-feet, in other places it’s 60-feet. With the curb and gutter design we can make it work. We’re paying for the design and the surveying associated with it.”

Walker said, “I think it’s an agreement which benefits all three parties as well as the residents. They will get a concrete road which ties up to both Pecan Lakes Section 3 and the new highway Pecan Lakes is constructing out to Highway 105 and it will also alleviate the drainage issues in that area.”

The ICA was approved by Navasota city council Feb. 13.