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Richards ISD board members take oath

November 23, 2022 - 00:00
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    Examiner photo by Matthew Ybarra Newly elected board members for Richards ISD took the oath of office Thursday, Nov. 17. Board members pictured left to right are Wendy Graves, Phillip Burnett, Britney Katkoski and Beau Conner.

RICHARDS – Four new board members were sworn in at Richards Independent School District Board of Trustee meeting Thursday, Nov. 17.


Richards Superintendent William Boyce swore in all four newly elected members including Britney Katkoski, Beau Conner, Phillip Burnett and Wendy Graves. Once all members were sworn-in, board officers were selected. Jason Bay was elected president, Jeannine Shead as vice president and Wendy Graves as secretary.  


Property purchase

Board members approved a resolution for the purchase of a small piece of land in the rear of the school and allow the superintendent to negotiate the terms of the contract. Boyce said the property is approximately 50-feet by 138-feet or approximately 0.16 of an acre. 


Boyce stated he offered $4,800 for the lot and the initial verbal offer was accepted. The resolution allows for him to negotiate the deal and finalize the offer. There are no initial plans for the property, but Boyce stated long-term plans may include relocating the current wastewater treatment plant to the new property. The WWTP is currently located on the school grounds between the cafeteria, gym and the ag barn. He said that can only happen if it meets TCEQ regulations. 


Boyce said the current sewer discharge pipe is located near the new property. If it is able to be moved, he said it will alleviate the noise and smell it produces.


Junior/Senior Trip

The board approved preliminary plans for a junior senior trip May 18, 2023 – May 22, 2023. Boyce stated the trip is a cruise which will depart from Galveston sand sail to Cozumel, Mexico.


In the past the school has taken cruises for the Jr/Sr trip, however COVID-19 restrictions halted those trips. Boyce said those restrictions have been lifted which allows students to resume cruises.


The next scheduled board meeting is 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17 in the Richards ISD cafeteria.