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What is going on at Navasota ISD???

December 11, 2019 - 00:00
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Superintendent’s Update

This past week, we met with some folks that were touring our buildings and facilities to bid on one of the upcoming athletic projects and that is the question that one gentleman asked me. “What is going on at Navasota ISD?”

Gotta tell you, sometimes I’m not too sure which way someone is going when they ask that. But my response was, “hopefully, something great!” To which he responded, “that’s what I hear!”

He went on to say that he has heard from a lot of folks around the area and people that they do business with about all of the great things going on at Navasota ISD. They told him about the bond projects and the current construction. Then, they told him about the academic programs and all of the many different opportunities that students have from Career and Technical Education to the Collegiate High School and college dual-enrollment opportunities. They also told him about the different athletic facility proposals and upgrades that are about to take place.

There are so many different areas that progress is being made and so many things that are all happening throughout Navasota ISD each and every day. Along with that, there are so many folks that are making that progress happen and are helping ensure that great things are taking place throughout Navasota ISD! It truly is a team effort and none of it happens without all of us working together and in the same direction.

Thank you for all that you do to make Navasota ISD better every day! To use Coach Dacus’s mantra... #BrickByBrick


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Dr. Stu Musick is the Superintendent of Schools for Navasota Independent School District.