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Tony Booth, Kari Hlavinka preform at Bluebonnet Opry

March 08, 2023 - 00:00
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BRENHAM – Friends of Bluebonnet Opry welcomes Tony Booth and Kari Hlavinka March 16, at Silver Wings Ballroom.


Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the show begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 each and are sold at the door. A portion of the proceeds benefit Hospice Brazos Valley. Bluebonnet Opry hosts concerts every third Thursday of the month.


Tony Booth

Tony Booth gained fame by working for Buck Owens as a front man and bass player.  He branched out on his own with major hits including “Cinderella,” “Keys In The Mailbox,” “Close Up The Honkytonks” and “Lonesome 7-7203.”  After a 20-year absence, he signed with Heart of Texas Records. 


His latest project is titled “Something About You Baby I Like.”  He was awarded the Male Vocalist of the Year award by the Academy of Western Artists in 2011 and album of the year in 2021.


Kari Hlavinka

Kari has been a member of the Pasadena Hometown Opry since 1996. She was a member of the Ogden Jubilee in Livingston for many years. 


“I have been honored and blessed to work with some incredible singers and musicians over the years,” she said. “Singing with Randy Cornor, Randy Meadows, Tony Booth, Dennis Ivey, Freddie Pate and many others has been an awesome highlight for me.” She sings in her church choir as well as the praise band at Sunset Methodist in Pasadena. Her 30-plus year career has enabled her to cross paths with many great singers and pickers that she is proud to call friends.


The Silver Wings Ballroom snack bar will be open serving hamburgers, hot dogs, sodas and adult beverages. For more information visit or call 979-451-0816.