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Serve on a Navasota board

October 12, 2022 - 00:00
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Are you interested in getting involved and contributing to the future of the City of Navasota? Consider applying to serve on one of the city’s many volunteer boards, commissions, and committees. By joining a city board, you can make a difference by having a say in how the City of Navasota grows and operates.


The various boards, commissions, and committees provide support for their associated city departments, advise staff, and make recommendations. Additionally, boards and commissions provide advice and guidance to City Council, which is why diversity of people and perspectives is so important to the makeup of boards and commissions.


There are eight established boards, commissions and committees, and from time-to-time ad hoc groups are formed to work on particular issues. If you are interested in serving on one of our boards, please visit the following link for more details:


The city will be accepting applications through Oct. 14, and appointments will be made on Oct. 24, at the City Council meeting. 


For more information, please contact the City Secretary’s office, 936-825-6475 or via email at or


Frequently Asked Questions

Time commitment – Each committee or board meets at different frequencies. Some could meet as much as once a month or as little as once a year.


Qualifications – Qualifications vary from board to board; however, at a minimum, qualifications include a dedication to serving the community and a commitment to active participation on the board, commission, or committee you join. Navasota residency is preferred, but not always required for certain boards.