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R&B seeks $1 million in CDBG funding

November 09, 2022 - 00:00
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Grimes County Commissioners Court approved two requests by Road and Bridge Engineer Harry Walker related to grant funding at the Nov. 2 Regular Meeting. The first request was for the procurement of administrative and engineering services for the 2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administered through the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). The second request was for procurement for administrative and engineering services for the CDBG Regional Mitigation COG Method of Distribution (CDBG COG MOD) administered by the Texas General Land Office (GLO). 

According to Walker, up to $500,000 is available for the grant through the TDA for road and drainage infrastructure.

He said, “I think we are probably well positioned to receive that money. It is a competitive grant. They are still developing the parameters, but we want to get started on the procurement process and get a grant administrator on board and an engineer hired who will help us develop that grant application.”

Up to $650,000 is available for the GLO grant and is related to Hurricane Harvey. Walker described it as a formula grant with distribution determined by the Brazos Valley Council of Government (BVCOG). 

Walker said, “Grimes County will receive money. Once the method of distribution is finalized, and the COG and GLO have agreed on everything, then we’ll have the details on the grant. We want to go ahead and get the consultants in place to assist us with that application also.”

Auditor Jessi Murphy requested this particular motion include ratification of the acceptance form.


Holland Ridge public hearing

In another R&B item, commissioners set a public hearing for Nov. 16 to receive comments related to establishing a 20 MPH speed limit in the Holland Ridge subdivision.

Walker said, “I received a call from the president of the HOA for Holland Ridge subdivision recently. They’re concerned about some of the traffic speeds through their neighborhood. The main road is a through road and makes a loop through there. They’re asking that we set the speed limits at 20 MPH. State statutes allow you to do that. We have to have a public hearing to do that.”

Walker clarified that a traffic study was not needed in a residential subdivision and that public notice need be posted only seven days before the hearing.


Other court action:

•Approved Consent Agenda items which included the Treasurer’s list of claims and bills, payroll, August monthly report and budget amendments and/or line item transfers.

•Approved a public hearing for Jan. 18, 2023, at 6 p.m. for the purpose of receiving comments related to a petition for the creation of Grimes County Emergency Services District #2 (ESD #2). See related article page 1.

•Received an update from Building Maintenance Manager Rodney Floyd on projects related to the Grimes County jail, Justice and Business Center and the maintenance/storage building.

•Approved renewal of the Montgomery County Auto Task Force Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for YE 2023 with no change to the County’s contribution of $10,000 and authorized the county judge as signatory. 

•Received the Road & Bridge report.

•Approved County Clerk Vanessa Burzynski’s request to proceed with a records preservation project scanning marriage records, military records, commissioners court files and probate/docket indexes for $60,896.54 from dedicated funds.

•Approved Burzynski’s request to adjust the temporary, seasonal hourly wage for the Records Management Clerk from $12 to $14 effective Oct. 24 and authorized the auditor to make the necessary line item transfer.

•Approved the Gibbons Creek subdivision plat located on CR 164 at CR 166 in Pct. 1 and a variance request based on lot depth/width issues.

•Approved the addition/removal of some items as ARPA expenditures.

•No discussion or action on the Strategic Plan.

•After reconvening from meeting in Executive Session as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, commissioners took no action regarding a 381 Agreement with Blue Jay Solar 1, LLC.


Public comments

•Veterans Service Officer Jay Lafferty announced the Veterans Day Parade Saturday, Nov. 5, and encouraged commissioners to support Building Maintenance Manager Rodney Floyd when he assumes responsibility for the Grimes County Expo and Fairgrounds.

•Comments of nonsupport of ESD #2 were received from David Tullos and Dianna Westmoreland while the petition in support of was addressed by Michelle Gremillion. See related article page 1.


Burn Ban: The burn ban was lifted.