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NPD's Michael Mize named 'top cop'

September 28, 2022 - 00:00
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    Mayor Bert Miller proclaimed Oct. 5, 2022, to be Navasota Teachers’ Day along with World Teachers’ Day. Pictured with the light blue ribbon which symbolizes support for our educators is (L-R) councilmen Josh Fultz, Bernie Gessner, retired teacher Dorothy Hassell, Mayor Bert Miller, council members Pattie Pedersen, Grant Holt and Navasota ISD Board of Trustees vice-president, Jennifer Ramirez.

A packed City Hall chamber erupted in applause and cheers as City Manager Jason Weeks announced the appointment of Interim Police Chief Michael Mize as Navasota’s new police chief. The announcement was made at the Sept. 26 Regular Meeting.

A Navasota resident, Mize was one of three finalists out of 11 applicants from across the country. According to Weeks, a search committee comprised of the City’s executive staff and law enforcement began the nationwide recruitment search in May. The top five applicants were tasked with providing written and video response questions. The search culminated Sept. 20 for the final three with in person interviews with a three-panel committee comprised of law enforcement, department heads, community leaders and residents.

Weeks said, “Overall, we identified the best candidate we believe works best with our leadership team, the Navasota Police Department and will be invested in the community, personally and professionally.”

He continued, “Additionally, we needed to make sure the next police chief values communication, teamwork and transparency as much as I and other members of my team do. Ultimately, I believe that Chief Mize was the best fit for our organization and our community and I’m excited about his service in his new role.” Mize will officially assume the duties at a swearing-in ceremony Thursday, Sept. 29, at 9 a.m. in city council chambers.

CIP COs approved

Council approved Resolution No. 720-22 directing publication of the notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligations not to exceed $7 million. Finance Director Lance Hall said the 2022-23 budget was prepared anticipating the need to issue debt for capital improvement projects in the City’s three Utility Funds. The majority of infrastructure improvements will be made east of SH 6 and include a new water well, water tower, water plant and groundwater storage tank.

Subdivision approvals

Council approved Resolution No. 719-22 accepting the street, water, natural gas, sewer and underground storm infrastructure for Phase I of the Hidden Hills Subdivision off N. Bus. 6 and Laredo Street.

Development Services Director Lupe Diosdado said, “The next step is getting the final plat to Planning and Zoning and that will establish the grid of the lots, but council has to accept the infrastructure first.”

Council also approved a variance requested by J&H Development, LLC for the development of Pecan Lakes Drive, a minor collector street, which will provide a primary entrance into the Pecan Lakes Estates subdivision from SH 105 West. The request was to reduce the pavement width to 28 feet instead of the required 38 feet. In addition to being a convenience for the residents, the narrow street will help control vehicle speed.

Other council action:

•Approved the nomination of Mayor Pro-Tem Grant Holt to serve on the Texas Municipal League Health Benefits Pool board of trustees if elected.


•With a record vote, approved the second reading of Ordinance No. 1005-22 adopting the $36,277,901 budget for 2022-23.

•With a record vote, approved the second reading of Ordinance No.1006-22 adopting the tax rate of $0.5560/$100 valuation for year 2022-23.

•Approved the second reading of Ordinance No. 1007-22 revising sanitation rates, adding soccer registration fees and revising Building & Construction fees to cover the cost of third-party inspection services.


•After reconvening from an Executive Session in accordance with Section 551.072, Texas Government Code, approved awarding the bid for RFP No. 202202 for the purchase of City property at the Navasota Wastewater Treatment Plant to Panini da Baby, LLC.


•Approved Consent Agenda items which included the second reading of Ordinance No. 1002-22 approving a Conditional Use Permit to TCL Holdings, Inc. for property at 7908 Highway 6 Loop; the second reading of Ordinance No. 1003-22, a zoning change application by Masterbuilt Ministries, Inc. and Salem House of Blessings, Inc. to R-1C district at 1100 Manley Street; the second reading of Ordinance No. 1004-22, a Conditional Use Permit for a place or worship requested by Masterbuilt Ministries, Inc. and Salem House of Blessings, Inc. at 1100 Manley Street; the second reading of Ordinance No. 1008-22 declining to approve the change in rates requested in Entergy Texas, Inc.


•Rescheduled appointment of board and commission members to Oct. 24, 2022. Reports from City staff/offi cials to council

•Mayor Bert Miller issued a proclamation recognizing Oct. 5, 2022, as World Teachers’ Day and Navasota Teachers’ Day and a proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of Ellwood Forge Navasota.

•Received the 2022 International Economic Development Council Bronze Award in recognition of “Navasota Works!” a print promotion.


•Received a brief update on the Sept. 22 Planning & Zoning meeting.

View city council meetings in their entirety at www.navasotatx. gov/city-council/pages/ meeting-videos.