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NPD adds more “less than lethal” options

June 30, 2021 - 00:00
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    Thanks to a $2,800 grant from the NRA, Navasota Police Department will be increasing the options available in their “less than lethal” toolbox, such as with the Less Lethal shotgun and super sock or beanie bag ammunition. According to Grand Prairie po

The Navasota Police Department’s requests received council approval at the Monday, June 28, meeting and the P.A. Smith Hotel jumped another hurdle with approval of a right of way closure. All council members were present and voting, including Pattie Pederson who joined via Zoom.

Navasota Police Chief Shawn Myatt announced that NPD was recently awarded a $2,800 grant from the National Rifle Association. This is NPD’s second year to receive the “no match required” grant from the NRA.

Myatt said, “This year the money will be used for buying practice ammunition. We have to qualify each year, which we go through a lot of ammunition doing that for the state, so that we’re compliant.”

Myatt continued, “We’re also going to supplement our less than lethal tools that we use, particularly, one that we’re looking at now is a less than lethal shotgun beanie bag.”

Navasota PSAP renewed

Council approved renewal of the agreement with the Brazos Valley Council of Governments for E9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Services (PSAP) for Navasota residents in the amount of $15,215.52. According to NPD Chief Shawn Myatt, the cost reflects an increase of $1,890.77 due to advances in technology.

Providing a little PSAP history, Myatt explained that when he was hired years ago there was a central location for PSAP, or 911, at the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office.

He said, “When I was hired, the council asked me to get a secondary PSAP established back here in Navasota, which made sense. We were the largest population in the county, we had a lot of walk-ins at the PD and nobody was here at night, which didn’t make sense.”

Because the City had let go of its secondary PSAP, Myatt had to petition the 9-1-1 Commission, which agreed but would fund only one PSAP per county. City council agreed to pay for the equipment for the second PSAP for Navasota residents.

Addressing the technological advances, Myatt said, “The E9-1-1 has increased the technology down to pinpointing locations which is actually good considering cell phones are used by most today, and they’re the most difficult for us to deal with when you get a 911 call because it gives us an area. We also have the ability to receive texts 9-1-1 which is really nice, especially for the hearing impaired.”

Clarifying “pinpointing locations,” Myatt said, “We can get a general area within so many feet. If you still have a landline, it will bring all the information forward based on that residence. It can even provide floor plans. It’s a broad technology.”

ROW vacated for parking lot

After a public hearing with no comments against, council members approved Ordinance No. 966-21 vacating and closing a 23-foot section of right of way in an area slated for a parking facility. The application was made by P.A. Smith Hotel owner Steve Scheve who is constructing a gated parking facility at S. Tenth and Holland Street primarily for hotel patron’s use.

According to Development Services Director Lupe Diosdado, neither the City of Navasota, Suddenlink, CenturyLink nor Entergy have underground utilities that would negatively impact closing this section of right of way.

View city council meetings in their entirety at www. pages/meeting-videos,

Other council action:

•Approved Resolution No. 696-21 designating the city manager as the authorized signatory for an Advanced Funding Agreement with Tx-DOT for the W. Washington Avenue Streetscape Project.

•Approved Consent Agenda items which included the second reading of Ordinance No. 964-21 approving a conditional use permit for development of a parking facility, and the second reading of Ordinance No. 965-21, budget amendment for Water Production.

Reports from City staff or City officials:

•Received introduction from the new Entergy Service Rep, Melissa Bochat.

•Received introduction of new police officers Mark Butler and Jacob Hutto.

•Received an update on Pretty City Committee activities from Code Enforcement Officer, Erik Covarrubias.

•Marketing and Communications Coordinator Madison Brooks gave an update on the Sounds of Summer concert, July 2 Freedom Festival, the Aug. 7 KidFish event, and announced the “Best of Grimes County” certificates received from the Navasota Examiner based on citizen polling.

•Received a brief report about legislation impacting cities from City Manager Brad Stafford who attended the Texas Municipal League’s wrap-up meeting. Stafford said of the nearly 7,000 bills filed, 2,156 impacted cities and 247 of those passed.

•Held a budget workshop FY 2021-2022. See related article on page xxx.

Public comments: A resident requested council factor increased sales tax revenue into any decision to increase utility rates.