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No rhyme or reason just beauty

May 08, 2019 - 00:00
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Its been nearly a year since Navasota Garden Club awarded a resident with “Yard of the Month.” Boyce Ann Lewis Miller is the first recipient since June 2018, but her beautiful yard couldn’t go without recognition.

The Navasota Garden Club hasn’t presented the award due to drought, floods, lack of nominees and various other circumstances, but the award will begin to be presented monthly again.

Miller has an assortment of plant varieties surrounding her home including Nancy Bush Petunias, Society Garlic, Knock Out Roses, Agapanthus as well as a vegetable garden.

“To tell you the truth I was really surprised,” explained Miller after learning she was awarded “Yard of the Month.” “I have no rhyme or reason for what I do other than I like it. I place plants according to if they are going to need sun or shade and just hope I have space for them. I was really pleased and thrilled and called all my family and told them. I was even in Jefferson, Tx. this weekend and the garden club is big there, so I told everyone that would listen to me about the award.”

Miller said she was born in Navasota in 1932 and resided here until her family moved in 1941. She said Navasota has always been dear to her heart and her favorite place. She would return to visit every summer. She moved back to the area in 2002 and resided in Courtney and operated the Bluebonnet Inn Bed and Breakfast where she currently resides in Navasota.

She lost everything when her home in Courtney burned down including some of her most prized possessions, her plants.

“In the corner of my garden I have a Sweetheart Rose Bush that is the same bush that was in the corner of my grandmother’s house and a pomegranate tree from a cutting that I had from my garden when I lived in Arkansas,” said Miller. “The pomegranate tree died in the fire, but I had given a cutting to an Amish family in town and they brought me a cutting from their tree that they planted from the cutting I gave them. Its nice to still have a part of that tree that meant so much to me.”

Miller who has been slowly losing her eyesight since she was in her early 60s, said she owes Titus Richardson a lot of thanks for all the help he provides her. “He gets out there and digs in the garden for me so that I can plant. Sometimes he helps by planting, but I usually go behind them to bury the plants just a little deeper because I know how big they are going to get,” said Miller.

Although its hard for Miller to see and she is unable to drive she enjoys spending time in her garden. “I usually go out in the mornings and tend to my plants, water them and just enjoy them,” explained Miller.

Miller prides herself in knowing the names and colors of all the plants in her garden. She also said that although having limited vision has its difficulties, she’s able to see well enough to live on her own and care for her dogs and cats.

“I’ve also had the chance to meet several new people that help me along the way including providing me with a ride to the store,” said Miller. “Even though it’s been challenging I enjoy the friends I’ve made along the journey.”

Miller said she’s thrilled that people enjoy the yard around her home at 128 Craig Street as much as she does.

To nominate a yard for “Yard of the Month” contact Grimes County Chamber of Commerce, 936-825-6600.