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NJH Champion Recognition Rally

January 22, 2020 - 00:00
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    Teacher Recognition

Navasota Junior High honored students at the second Champion Recognition Rally. Fang students and teachers received various awards for academics during the “Pep Rally” style celebration of academics complete with cheerleaders and a spirit stick competition given to the loudest grade.


Sixth Grade - Leeyah Abercrumbia, Cisco Calderon, Hannah Dinger, D’Lynn Robbins, Hannah Silcox, Lauren Smith, Mahayla Ybarra;

Seventh Grade – Ke’Terrin Brisco, Ingrid Castro, Brayden Colby, Brielle Cu-de, Charlene Foster, Javyn Jessie, Kaden Leonard, Grace Mendez, Christopher Pineda Diosdado, Markerian Wesley Stamps;

Eighth Grade – Jacquelyn Aguado, Piper Alezander, Jadyn Dacus, Jayce Dominguez, Giovanni Garcia, Ann Haug, Laila Hernandez, Kyleigh Johnson, Thomas Jordan, Emily Lablue, Ma’Lasja Moore, April Neeley, Isela Palacios, Livia Perez, Meghan Poindexter, Logan Smith, SHalyn Smith, Matthew Sosa, Bryanna Stokes, Chloe Torres, Cristal Trejo Garcia, Le’Yonce Williams;


These students have shown growth in a core academic class.

Sixth Grade – Diego Coronilla, Aaliyah Johnson, Jayda Asher, Anahiyaneli Tijernia, Kayne Omulski, Cotton Brigner, Mahayla Ybarra, Kylee Arbuckle, Cathryn Hickmon, Miyah Tonchez, Azalia Menchaca;

Seventh Grade – Makaylah Green, Alex Lopez, Geneva Villarreal, Joseph McNeal, Tyler Davis, Adrian Castillo, Rhianna Delatorre, Melissa White, Belinda McNeal, Ana Dominguez, Salvador Gomez, Esmeralda Davilla, Artavian Rutherford, Manuel Estupinan, Ariyah Curley, Chloe Burrell, Ivan Zachary;

Eighth Grade – Gavin Moore, Chloe Torres, Camerino Rodriguez, Kaevin Wells, Jimena Murillo, Anqi Xue, Annie Haug, Andres Tobias, Juan Vargas Hernandez, Daisy Castaneda Gomez, Noah Silcox, Lucas Perez, Gabriel Fernandez Torres;



Champion Difference Maker staff members are teachers that demonstrate excellence in the classroom, leadership dedication and community involvement.

Teachers – Jacob Callen, Christy Smith, Lonza Feldhans, Master Mendez, Elaine McWhorter, Caitlin Baumgarten, Brooke Bayliss;


These students are selected for showing CHAMPION attributes at school such as courage, honor, motivation, perseverance, integrity, optimism and never giving up.

Sixth Grade – Angel Gonzalez, Orlando Santiago, Gisselle Vallecillo, Chelsea Glaze, Jocelyn Castillo, Ezekiel Parker;

Seventh Grade – Shalyn Smith, Jamaria Stevenson, Bri’nishia Jefferson, Alan Diaz, Cidney Ochoa, Agustin Alvarado Hernandez, Vanessa Estupinan;

Eighth Grade – Francisco Herrera, Kyleigh Johnson, Iriand Castro, Kassidy Mizzell, Kylee Finley, Raul Diaz, Frankedric Powell, Jose Guajardo;

Results as submitted by Navasota Junior High.