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NISD utilizes ESSER funding

December 15, 2021 - 00:00
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Navasota Independent School District approved the budget audit for the 2021/22 fiscal year during their December meeting, Monday, Dec. 13.

The audit conducted by Belt Harris Pechacek LLLP shows a $4.4 million fund balance which is approximately a 53-day reserve.

School Board member Paul Malek asked Robert Belt, who presented the audit, if the 53-day fund balance was the proper amount. “Sixty days would be a good safe argument, so you are not too far off with that,” stated Belt.

“I just wanted to point out that the designated amounts were pretty much on target with what we had scheduled to come out of fund balance with our projects that went over and above the maintenance note that we utilized,” explained NISD Superintendent Dr. Stu Musick.

The maintenance note funded athletic facility renovations. “Those projects are wrapping up and being finalized. We actually just got the final bill for that today. We have $10,000 left to close out those payments and close out those projects. It actually ended up being a little better than we anticipated.”

Later in the meeting the board approved using Belt Harris Pechacek LLLP for the next audit as well.

Action Items

Chromebook Purchase Navasota Board of Trustees approved the purchase of touchscreen Chromebooks for Pre-K, kindergarten, and Life Skills classrooms.

“With our digital platforms we have a wide variety of curriculum that is offered for all grade levels, however for the Pre-K, kindergarten and Life Skills students, they require a touch screen device to be able to navigate those digital platforms well,” explained Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Learning Dr. Tracy Bates.

Bates said the Chromebooks will be purchased with ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds. The funds were provided to State educational agencies and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Nation’s students.

Musick stated NISD purchased Chromebooks with a purchase reimbursement funding plan so every classroom could have a set of Chromebooks. “Due to the timeline, we had to procure devices and have them in-house before a certain deadline to meet State requirements,” said Brewer. “Because of the COVID-19 pandemic we couldn’t get those devices.”

Brewer said the devices are now in stock and the district is able to purchase those this year. Purchase amount approved for the Chromebooks is $101,861.00.

Band Uniforms

Navasota Band Director David Holland presented a new uniform proposal to the school board during the November meeting.

During the meeting he presented a model of the new look band uniforms. The uniforms quoted by Stanbury Uniforms in Brookfield, Missouri are $552.87 and a total of $60,815.70 for 110 uniforms.

The color blue presented at the November board meeting was Blue Coat Blue in the Stanbury color collection. Board member Jennifer Ramirez stated at the meeting it was different than the traditional Rattler Blue color she is accustomed to and asked Holland to look into the color option.

Holland worked with Stanbury representatives and was presented with a Sapphire Blue swatch. The swatch was compared to several different uniforms and shirts throughout the district and received the approval of numerous faculty members. Holland stated the blue is a stock color, so it will be available if additional uniforms need to be ordered in the future.

The uniforms were unanimously approved in the December meeting.

Other Action

• Approved second and final reading of Update 118.

• Approved EHBAA (Local) and EHB (Local) Policies.

Navasota ISD hosted a Rattle Session Thursday, Dec. 2, at Navasota High School. The Rattle Session included an information session and public tour of the Career and Technology Education facilities throughout the district.

May Election

Candidate filing for a Navasota ISD Board of Trustee position begins Wednesday, Jan. 19 and concludes Friday, Feb. 18, at 5 p.m. Interested candidates need to apply at the Navasota ISD Administration Building, 705 E. Washington Avenue in Navasota.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, Jan. 17.