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Navasota High School Local History Fair Winners

January 01, 2020 - 06:00
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Several students competed in the Navasota Local History Fair on Dec. 9. Winning students will advance to the Regional History Fair at Washington on the Brazos Feb. 7. 

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    Individual Exhibits: First place- Emilie Ponce (Mary Jackson); Second place- Bethany Izaguirre- (Marie Curie); Third place-Jaime Garcia- (19th Amendment); Alternate- Tersa Corona- (Toni Stone); 

    Group Exhibits: 

    First place - Ishmael Gonzalez, Diego Iniguez, Trysta Quezada, Carlos Santoy, Cesar Chavez (Age Hero); Second place- Amy Arredondo, Estefania Villanueva (10 Days in a Madhouse Elizabeth Cochran Seaman); Third place- Chelsea Perkins, Avery Seale, Orlando Spears, Jane Goodall (Breaking the Barriers of Science, Exploration, and Gender Roles); Alternate- Kylie Maxson, Ceily Simpton (Female Aviation). 

    Individual Documentaries: 

    First place- Lillian Mahan, (Deborah Samson: The Seed for Women in the Military); 

    Second place-Tabatha Acosta (Young Minds in the Holocaust). 

    Group Performance: 

    First place- Kaylani Hazel, Haven Rodriguez, Rebeca Stratton (Mary Seacole); 

    Individual Websites: 

    First place- Ariana Gonzalez- (Leonardo da Vinci); Second place- Robbie Morton (Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allan); 

    Group Websites: 

    First place-Elora Alexander, Alexia Nobles, (Katherine Johnson); Second place- Daniel Almanza, Christina Zurita, (Breaking the Barrier of Transportation: The Railroad); Third place- Hunter Haug, Andrew Junek, David Yorek, (The R-7 Semyorka); Alternate - Camden Dacus, Mason Phillips; (Jack Johnson); 

    Historical Papers: 

    First place- Zaria Tenorio, (Liberation Without Restriction); Second place-Melisa Castillo, (The Alliance of Broken Barriers: The Gay Activist Alliance); Third place- Abigail Paz, (The Father of Containerization Alternate-Melany Bustos- Women Breaking Barriers during World Wars);