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Kacal, Kolkhorst to address GCRW

August 10, 2022 - 00:00
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State Representative Kyle Kacal and State Senator Lois Kolkhorst are the guest speakers at the Tuesday, Aug. 16, lunch meeting of the Grimes County Republican Women.

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    Kyle Kacal

Special to The Examiner

State Representative Kyle Kacal and State Senator Lois Kolkhorst are the guest speakers at the Tuesday, Aug. 16, lunch meeting of the Grimes County Republican Women. The event will be held at New Hope Church, 2159 SH 105 East just off SH 6 in Navasota. State Representative Kyle Kacal, longtime resident of Brazos County, was first elected in November 2012 to the Texas House of Representatives to serve House District 12. The district was formerly comprised of Falls, Limestone and Robertson counties and the rural portions of Brazos and Mc-Lennan. After redistricting and a successful Republican primary runoff bid, and with no Democrat challenger in November, Representative Kacal will be sworn in January 2023 to serve HD 12’s new constituency in Grimes, Madison, Robertson, Walker, Washington and rural Brazos counties. Following his graduation from Texas A&M University in 1992 and receiving his Certificate of Ranch Management from Texas Christian University, Representative Kacal has devoted his life to preserving the land and contributing to local and state economies through his dynamic ranching business. His ranch operates as a large-scale cattle business, focusing on breeding and raising beef cattle as well as a full-service hunting business during the fall and spring. During the most recent legislative session, Representative Kacal was appointed to the House Committee on Environmental Regulation as well as the Natural Resources Committee. Senator Lois W.

Kolkhorst is a fifth generation Texan, with ancestral roots dating back to the Texas War of Independence.

In 2014, after seven successful terms in the Texas House serving HD 13 and Grimes County, she was elected to the Texas Senate in a special election, becoming only the 17th female to serve in the Texas Senate since 1845. The 2021 redistricting reunited Senator Kolkhorst with her Grimes County constituency when the County was moved from SD 5 to SD 18. Serving on multiple boards and committees, Senator Kolkhorst is known for achieving significant public policy changes that impact the lives of every Texan. A recipient of the Legislator of the Year Award from the Sheriffs Association of Texas, Senator Kolkhorst is a vocal supporter for peace officers and first responders. Along with helping to secure over $6 billion for border security, Senator Kolkhorst has worked with local law enforcement to shut down criminal smuggling networks and develop sensible solutions to the mental health crisis that crowds our jails.

Social time begins at 11 a.m. followed by lunch, the speakers and business meeting at 11:30. Adjournment is approximately 1 p.m. Lunch is $10. Please RSVP to President Teddi Jackson at teddi21@gmail. com or call (713) 254-0712. Gentlemen are welcomed to attend.