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City OKs gun buy-back for NPD

December 13, 2023 - 00:00
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At the Dec. 11 Regular Meeting of the Navasota City Council, council approved Resolution No. 75423 designating Mayor Bert Miller, City Manager Jason Weeks, Chief Financial Officer Maribel Franks and Police Chief Mike Mize as authorized signers for the Navasota Police Department Firearm Replacement Fund bank accounts.

Explaining the reason for setting up the accounts, City Manager Jason Weeks said, “Chief Mike Mize put together a program so officers can put aside money from their paycheck so we can use those funds when they need to replace their service revolver or weapon. This is basically a gun buy-back program specifically for the Navasota Police Department.”

According to Mize, upon graduating from the police academy NPD officers have to purchase their firearms and gear at their own expense. Four years ago, NPD was able to purchase officers’ firearms with seizure money but that was a one-time opportunity.

Through the buy-back program, officers sign a contract and allow $20 per paycheck deductions. When NPD purchases new firearms, the old firearms will be available for purchase and transferred to the officer’s name.

Mize said “If they can slowly take it out of their paycheck, it builds up and when it comes time to replace our firearms about year five, they’ll use that money in the account to purchase their firearm back. That money will go to purchasing the new firearms so we won’t have to worry about hurting our budget or drawing in more seizure money.”

The program is described as a morale booster and an incentive to join NPD.

Utility contracts awarded

The contract for the Pecan Lakes Gas Line Extension Project was awarded to LDC, LLC whose $778,700 bid was the lowest of three received.

According to Graduate Engineer Jon MacKay, the project will provide a high-pressure gas line from the industrial park to a regulator station by the VFW building with a second line of residential pressure run to Fairway Drive. An alternate option allows continuing the line and connecting to CR 424. The project should be completed by February.

Next, council awarded a $225,000 contract to Teal Services, LLC for the Wastewater Treatment Plant CIP Phase II — Rotor Replacement Project. The budgeted amount was short $319 but staff will cover the shortfall within the Wastewater Fund.

According to MacKay, this will replace two of the city’s three rotors that have been out of service and “bring us into compliance with our permit.”

Facility use appointees named

Mayor Bert Miller appointed council members Josh Fultz and Pattie Pederson to serve on a subcommittee to work with Parks and Recreation staff next month on the proposed Facility Use Policy.

Council held a workshop Nov. 27 to discuss issues which included park use, fees and city liability but continued discussion was rescheduled due to time constraints.

City Manager Jason Weeks said, “So we don’t have to rehash everything over and over, Mayor, staff is asking you to appoint a subcommittee and bring something back to you more solidified and condensed so it’s easier to follow.”

Other council action

  • Approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 103723, amending the 2023-24 budget to use $112,000 from excess unassigned fund balance for expenses to emergency repairs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • Approved Consent Agenda items: November 2023 minutes and November Municipal Court Report.

Executive Session action

  • Approved authorizing the city manager to negotiate, approve and execute necessary documents for the acquisition of real property for city purposes as discussed in executive session.
  • Approved authorizing the mayor to negotiate, approve and execute all Industrial District Agreements concerning businesses in designated industrial district with the agreement having a term of 15 years from Nov. 1, 2023, to Oct. 31, 2038.
  • Approved authorizing the mayor to negotiate, approve and execute revisions to the variance granted to M&P, LLC May 10, 2010. The variance addresses an off-premises outdoor advertising sign at 9530 SH 6.
  • Took no action regarding commercial or financial information from a business prospect or the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect with which the city is conducting economic development negotiations.

Staff report

  • Human Resources Director Peggy Johnson introduced new Streets and Sanitation Maintenance Laborers Demontrey Walters and Audrice Polk and Building Official/Plans Reviewer Nick Koski.
  • Graduate Engineer Jon McKay gave an update on the current Streets and Utilities CIP. Paving of streets completed to-date to begin in January.
  • City Manager Jason Weeks announced no council meeting Dec. 25 and city offices will be closed Dec. 25-26 and Jan. 1, 2024. No trash pickup Dec. 25 or Jan. 1 but will occur the next day.
  • Mayor Bert Miller urged resident to download the app and register for It’s Time Texas Community Challenge Jan. 8 — March 8 to build a healthier Texas.

Public Comments

Taylor Perry, president of the Navasota Soccer League, asked council to consider a collaborative effort with the league to provide lights, bleachers, fencing and other amenities to allow year-round “operating fields.”

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