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Burger King responsive to resident concerns

September 06, 2019 - 16:10
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Kolkhorst said, “I heard numerous concerns about various aspects of the development so during the planning process we tried to address as many of those concerns as to how we set the facility up.”

The Navasota Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) held a regular meeting Thursday, Sept. 5, and approved the preliminary site plan for the Burger King to be constructed at 1605 E. Washington after a presentation of revisions made by developer Jim Kolkhorst. 

Kolkhorst said, “I heard numerous concerns about various aspects of the development so during the planning process we tried to address as many of those concerns as to how we set the facility up.”

A revision particularly favored by commissioners was the replacement of the 25-foot sign with a 12-foot brick monument sign.

Kolkhorst said, “It will be a very nice sign and significantly lower than what we initially got approved.”

Other changes include doubling the size of the one-way drive to 24 feet to accommodate traffic flow and the possibility of cattle trailer parking.

An 8-foot privacy fence will be constructed to address privacy concerns of resident Justin Meyers as well as the use of landscaping there and in other areas of the property to buffer noise.

A retention pond designed to handle water and help alleviate flooding issues on N. Post Oak is also in the buffer zone and will be fenced off with a black metal fence for safety reasons.

Kolkhorst advised that right turns on N. Post Oak will be discouraged by the use of “very directionalized and identified arrows on the pavement” as well as ‘no right turn, left turn only’ signage. 

Emergency management issues were addressed with a 40-foot wide driveway on Washington Avenue and the standard 30-foot driveway on N. Post Oak.

A detailed recap of the P&Z meeting will be published in the Sept. 11 edition of The Examiner.